Grammar American & British

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue . [ 18 ]

18- ] Conversation & Dialogue .
The Birthday .

Husband : What’s the date today ? It’s Friday , the fifth of April .                                                                     
Wife : My birthday is in April . Shall I write it in your diary ?
Husband : Yes , of course .
Wife : Monday , the fifteenth of April . Salwa’s birthday .
Husband : How old will you be ?
Wife : I’ll be twenty-three . Twenty three years old on the fifteenth of April . When’s your birthday ,  Hassan ?
Hassan : The seventh of July .

Samia : Hi , Rania .
Rania : Oh , Samia ! I was going to call you tonight .Samia : What’s up ?
Rania : Well , it’s my husband’s birthday on Saturday , and I’m planning a surprise party for him .
Samia : Sounds like fun .
Rania : The idea is this : I’ve asked my husband to go to a movie with me at six . After the movie , we  go back to our apartment to have dinner . So be at the apartment by 7:30 and surprise him .
Samia : OK . Great .
Rania : Uh , can you bring some cake ? Oh , and don’t say anything to my husband .
Samia : No problem .
Apology .
Hameed : Hi , Shukri . This is Hameed .
Shukri : Oh , hi . How are things ?
Hameed : Just fine , thanks . Uh , are you doing anything on Saturday night ?
Shukri : Hmm . Saturday night ? Let me think . Oh yes . My cousin just called to say he was flying in that  night . I told him I would pick him up .
Hameed : Oh , that’s too bad ! It’s my birthday . I’m having dinner with my wife , and I thought I’d invite more people and make it a party .
Shukri : Gee , I’m really sorry , but I won’t be able to make it .
Hameed : I’m sorry , too . But that’s OK .

Halloween .

Leo ; Did you know next week is Halloween ?
Natasha : So what do you do on Halloween ? We don’t have that holiday in Russia .
Leo : Well , it’s a day when kids dress up in masks and costumes . They knock on people’s doors and ask for candy by saying the words “Trick or treat!”
Natasha : Hmm . Sounds interesting .
Leo : But it’s not just for kids . Lots of people have costume parties . Hey …my friend is having a party . Would you like to go ?
Natasha : Sure . I’d love to .

Conversation & Dialogue [ 17 ]

17 - ] Conversation & Dialogue .
The New House .
Estate Agent : Yes , Mr. Raouf . You want a small house , near the sea .                   
Mr. Raouf : That’s right .                                                                                                 
                   Estate Agent : There’s a very nice house for you near the sea . Look at the map . Now ,            
    where is it ?                                                                                                                         
Mrs. Raouf : It’s south of Marina .                                                                                
Estate Agent : Ah , there it is .                                                                                        
Estate Agent : There you are . A wonderful new kitchen .
Mr. Raouf : It’s very small .
Estate Agent : There’s the cooker and there’s the refrigerator .
Mr. Raouf : Where ?
Estate Agent : Behind you . The refrigerator’s behind you .
Mrs. Raouf : I can’t open it .
Mr. Raouf : I can put the table outside . Then you can open the refrigerator .
Mrs. Raouf : What’s that under the table ? On the floor ?
Estate Agent : It’s a box .
Mrs. Raouf : What’s inside the box ?
Estate Agent : Spoons , knives , forks …..
Mr. Raouf : Plates …..
Mrs. Raouf : Cups . Where will we put all these things ?
Estate Agent : Put them in the cupboard . There’s a cupboard behind the door .
Estate Agent : Here’s the front door . No , sorry . It’s the back door . This is the front door . Here’s the living room .
Mr. Raouf : Where ?
Estate Agent : Here . And the kitchen is here , at the back . And you go through the back door into the garden .
Mr. Raouf : So this is the living room , at the front .
Estate Agent : Yes , that’s right .
Mr. Raouf : And what’s the room between the kitchen and the living room ?
Estate Agent : That’s a toilet . And the bedrooms are upstairs . And the bathroom’s upstairs too .
Man : Come in . Welcome to our new house .
Woman : What do you think of it ?
Mother : I think it’s very nice . I like the chairs .
Father : I don’t like small chairs .
Woman : What do you think of that table ?
Mother : I like it . It’s a nice table .
Father : I’m sorry . I don’t like it . I don’t like small tables .
Man : Coffee or tea ? Which do you prefer ?
Father : I don’t like tea .
Mother : We prefer coffee .

Boss : Are you tired ?
Hazem : Yes .
Boss : You look very tired . Perhaps you need a holiday .
Hazem : I don’t need a holiday . I need some sleep . What are those men doing ? Why are they taking those things away ?
Boss : You need some new things for your office – A new desk , some new chairs …….
Hazem : I don’t need a new desk . This desk is good enough .
Wife : Yes . Everything will be all right .
Husband : The peas , for example ?
Wife : They’re on the third shelf , on the left .
Husband : And the sugar ?
Wife : That’s here on the right , on the second shelf . And there’s some more under the counter .
Husband : Good . You remembered .
Wife : Of course I remembered .
Husband : Oh ---- did I tell you where the milk is ?
Wife : Yes . Three times . It’s on the left near the door .
Husband : Good . And if you need some more this afternoon …….
Wife : I can get it from the Dairy , opposite the bank . Their telephone number is in your little book .
Salman : Excuse me . I’m your new neighbor . I just moved in .
Man : Oh . Yes ?
Salman : I’m looking for a grocery store . Are there any around here ?
Man : Yes , there are some on the next street .
Salman : OK . And is there a laundry near here ?
Man : Well , I think there’s one across from the shopping center .
Salman : Thank you .
Man ; By the way , there’s a barber shop in the shopping center , too
Salman : A barber shop ? Thank you .
Rasheed : Where do you live ?
Gamal : I live in an apartment downtown .
Rasheed :Oh , that’s convenient , but ….. how much crime is there ?
Gamal : Not much . But there is a lot of traffic . I can’t stand the noise sometimes ! Where do you live ?
Rasheed : I have a house in the suburbs .
Gamal : Oh , I bet it’s really quiet . But is there much to do there ?
Rasheed : No , not much . In fact , nothing even really happens . That’s the trouble .
Gamal ; Hey . Let’s trade places one weekend !
Rasheed : OK . Great idea !
Husband : What do you think ?
Wife : Well , it has just as many bedrooms as the last apartment . And the living room is huge .
Daughter : But the bedrooms are too small . And there isn’t enough closet space for my clothes .
Husband : And it’s not as cheap as the last apartment we saw .
Wife : But that apartment was dark and dingy . And it was in a dangerous neighborhood .
Husband : Let’s see if the real estate agent has something else to show us .

Monday, July 20, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 16 ]

16- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Going To The Restaurant .

Hassan: What shall we do this evening ?

Hosam : I don’t know .

Hassan : Let’s go to the cinema .

Hosam : No , not this evening . Let’s stay here .

Hassan : No . Let’s go to a restaurant . Shall we go to an Italian restaurant ?

Hosam : Which one ?

Hassan :Cook Door . I like this restaurant .

Hosam : I don’t like Cook Door . I’m afraid . And I don’t like Italian food very much . I prefer Chinese food .

Hassan : All right . Let’s go to a Chinese restaurant . Is there one near here ?

Hosam : I don’t think so .

Hassan : Yes . Shall we have sea food ?

Hosam : Yes . Let’s have sea food .



Saleem : Hello , Saleem Ahmad here .

Wife : Hello , Saleem . It’s your wife , Salma . What would you like for dinner ?

Saleem : I don’t know .

Wife : Would you like fish ?

Saleem : I don’t think so .

Wife : What would you like ?

Saleem : I’d like chicken . And I’d like potatoes and some peas and some fruit .

Wife [ to her daughter ] : He’d like chicken , potatoes , peas and some fruit .

Right . Now Saleem , we’ll need some fruit .

Saleem : All right . I’ll buy some fruit .

Wife : Thanks , Saleem . Goodbye .

Saleem : Goodbye .


Customer : Right . We’d like roast beef , pudding , potatoes and peas .

Waiter : Very good , sir . Two roast beef , pudding , potatoes and peas .

Customer : One

Waiter : Pardon , sir ?

Customer : I want one toast beef , pudding , potatoes and peas . And two plates . We’re not very hungry , are we ?

Other Customer : No .


Amr : Hello , Amr Hussein here .

Mahmoud : Hello , Amre . It’s Mahmoud . What are you doing in your office ?

Amr : I’m working . I often work late on Wednesday . I’m busy .

Mahmoud : Come and have dinner with us tomorrow .

Amr : Sorry . I never go out on Thursday night .I always watch football then , on television. .

Mahmoud : Would you come next Friday ?

Amr : Just a moment . Yes , Mahmoud . I’ll come to dinner on Friday.



Waiter : Good evening , sir .

Man : Good evening . Have you got a table for two ?

Waiter : A table for two ? Of course sir . This way please .

Man : One fish , one steak , two salads .

Woman : Have you got any fresh juice ?

Waiter : Fresh juice ? No . I’m sorry , madam . We haven’t got any fresh juice now . We’ve got some bottles of juice .

Woman : Oh , yes . I like some bottles of juice . Do you ?

Man : Yes ,I do . So – some bottles of juice . One fish , one steak , two salads .


Waiter : Good evening , sir . Can I help you ?

Man : Yes . Is there a garage near here ?

Waiter : Yes . There’s a garage in the next street . Straight ahead , on the left .

Man : Thank you .

Waiter : Good evening , sir , madam . A table for two ?

Woman : No , thank you . Can you help us ? Are there any hotels near here ?

Waiter : Yes , there are some hotels in this street . The nearest hotel is next to the bank.

Woman : Thank you .


Adel : Say , do you want to go out to dinner tonight ?

Hosham : Sure . Where would you like to go ?

Adel : Well , what do you think of Indian food ?

Hosham : I love it , but I’m not really in the mood for it today .

Adel : Yeah . I’m not either , I guess . It’s a bit spicy .

Hosham : Hmm . How do you like Japanese food ?

Adel : Oh , I like it a lot .

Hosham : I do , too . And I know a nice Japanese restaurant near here – it’s called Iroha .

Adel : Oh , I’ve always wanted to go there .

Hosham : Terrific ! Let’s go !



Waiter : What would you like to order ?

Customer : I’d like to have the fried chicken .

Waiter : Would you like rice or potatoes ?

Customer : Potatoes , please .

Waite : What kind of potatoes would you like ?

              Mashed , baked , or French fries .

Customer : I’d like French fries .

Waiter : OK . And what will you like to drink ?

Customer : I guess I’d like to have a cup of coffee .

Waiter : Would you like anything else ?

Customer : No , that’ll be all for now , thanks .


Waiter : Would you like dessert ?

Customer : Yes , I’d like ice-cream .

Waiter : What flavor would you like ?

Customer : Hmm . I’d like to have chocolate , please .

Waiter : OK . I’ll bring it right away .



Sameh : Hey , this sounds good – snails with garlic ! Have you ever eaten snails ?

Safi : No , I haven’t .

Sameh : Oh , they’re delicious ! I had them last time . Like to try some ?

Safi : No , thanks . They sound strange .

Waiter : Have you decided on an appetizer yet ?

Sameh : Yes . I’ll have the snails , please .

Waiter : And you , sir ?

Safi : I think I’ll have the fried brains .

Sameh : Fried brains ? Now that really sounds strange !


Bassams: What’s your favorite snack ?

Sarahan : Oh , it’s a sandwich with peanut butter , honey , and a banana . It’s really delicious !

Bassam : Ugh ! I’ve never heard of that ! How do you make it ?

Sarhan: Well , first you take two slices of bread and spread peanut butter on them . Then cut a banana into small pieces and put them on one of the slices of bread . Finally , pour some honey over the bananas and put the other slice of bread on top . Yum !

Bassam : Yuck ! It sounds awful !



Noura : What time’s that , Nadia ?

Nadia : It’s half past twelve .

Noura : Yes , it’s half past twelve , and it’s hot .

Nadia : Yes , it is hot .

Noura : And I’m thirsty .

Nadia : So am I . I’m thirsty too .

Noura : And I’m tired .

Nadia : So am I . Let’s go into a café .

Noura : Good idea ! Ah ! Here’s a café . Let’s go in .

[ In the café ]

Nadia : I want coffee .

Noura : I want tea .

Waiter : Yes ? Sorry , madam . No tea .

Noura Oh . I want lemonade , then .

Waiter : One coffee and one lemonade .


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...