Grammar American & British

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Vocabulary Tests , Test Ten

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Ten

1- ] Decide which definition best completes the sentence . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

1. If you see an omen , you --------------

( A ) get a sign that something is going to happen ( B ) are watching an evil ritual

( C ) are bewitched  ( D ) are reading the last words of a prayer 1 . ----------------

2 . A malicious smile suggests a --------------- attitude .

( A ) charming ( B ) tasteful

( C ) mean ( D ) casual                                                                    2 . ---------------

3 . Someone with a gaunt appearance would be -------------

( A ) short but husky ( B ) thin and bony

( C ) angry ( D ) serious                                                                   3 . --------------

4 . If you meet your nemesis , you run into someone you ---------------

( A ) do not remember ( B ) dislike

( C ) cannot defeat ( D ) enjoy being with                                       4 . ---------------

5 . If a group of people boycott a meeting , they ----------------

( A )refuse to attend ( B ) take it over

( C ) disrupt it ( D ) exclude women                                                 5 . --------------

6. A maudlin person might often be seen --------------

( A ) sleeping peacefully ( B ) looking for a fight

( C ) praying ( D ) crying                                                                  6 . --------------

7 . A club with procrustean rules for membership would -----------------

( A ) be very expensive ( B ) ignore individual differences

( C ) be popular with the wealthy ( D ) probably be illegal              7 . ------------

8 . A docile pet would be ---------------

( A ) kept away from children ( B ) easily managed

( C ) hard to control ( D ) large and muscular                                 8 . -------------

9 . If a famous athlete wants to be incognito in public , she / he desires ----------

( A ) her / his identity to be unknown ( B ) a great deal of attention

( C ) to be ignored ( D ) to be warm and friendly to her/ his admirers 9 .---------

10 . If someone states a paradox , he ------------

( A ) says something with two meanings ( B ) is probably a mathematician ( C ) is guilty of deceit ( D ) is making a contradictory statement that seems true 10 . ----------

11 , When a storm subside , it ---------------

( A ) move rapidly away ( B ) breaks into parts

( C ) becomes less active ( D ) increases in violence                           11 . ----------------

12 . A cherished memory will ---------------

( A ) never be forgotten ( B ) be held dear

( C ) be the source of grief ( D ) be kept secret                                    12. -----------------

13 . Your mentor would be --------------

( A ) a trusted advisor ( B ) an unconquered enemy

( C ) a secret admirer ( D ) a rival or competitor                                13 . -----------------

14 . If you found yourself mesmerized by something , you would be ---------------

( A ) confused ( B ) fascinated  

( C ) annoyed ( D ) fooled                                                                   14 . ---------------

15 . An agnostic is one who ------------

( A ) devotes himself to serving others ( B ) lives a life of strict discipline ( C ) is knowledgeable about agriculture ( D ) believes we can never know if God exists   15 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . B 4 . C 5. A 6. D 7 . B 8 . B 9 . A 10 . D 11 . C 12. B 13 . A 14. B 15 . D

2 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1. charity                     a. wrapping for a dead person or anything that conceals  1 ----------------

2 . perish                      b. requiring great strength                                                   2 ---------------

3 . bedlam                    c . to die or be destroyed                                                      3 ---------------

4. diagnose                   d . an independent thinker , nonconformist                       4 --------------

5 . indoctrinate            e . noisy confusion                                                                 5 --------------

6 . quixotic                   f . staying faithful to established beliefs                              6 ---------------

7 . maverick                 g . kindness and love in judging others                               7 ---------------

8 . shroud                     h . idealistic but foolish                                                         8 ------------------

9 . orthodox                  I to identify a disease                                                            9 -----------------

10 . herculean              j . to teach a certain act of principles                                  10 -----------------

Answer key

1. g  2. c  3 . e  4 . i  5 . j  6 . h   7 . d  8 . a  9 . f  10 b

3- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . INDIGENOUS ( A ) native  ( B ) careful

( C ) poor  ( D ) industrious                                                                 1 . --------------------

2 . SYNTHESIS ( A ) illegal act ( B ) combination

( C ) artificial  ( D ) systematic                                                            2 . ------------------

3 . DESPOT ( A ) railroad station  ( B ) outlaw

 ( C ) tyrant  ( D ) regulation                                                               3 . --------------------    

4 . MANDATE ( A ) authorization  ( B ) amendment

( C ) tropical fruit  ( D ) historic event                                                  4 . ------------------

5. USURP ( A ) seize illegally  ( B ) inhale deeply

( C ) attack  ( D ) consume                                                                      5 . -------------------

6 . IMPEDIMENT ( A ) importance  ( B ) type of vehicle       

( C ) foundation  ( D ) obstacle                                                               6 . ------------------ 

7 . AUTONOMY ( A ) automatic  ( B ) independence

( C ) royal decree  ( D ) dictatorship                                                       7 . ------------------

8 . RUTHLESS ( A ) ancient  ( B ) benevolent

( C ) cruel  ( D ) plain and simple                                                            8 . ------------------

9 . QUELL ( A ) to quiet  ( B ) writing instrument

( C ) to overthrow  ( D ) to confuse                                                         9 . -------------------

10 . VALIDATE ( A ) to value ( B ) to prove correct

( C ) to elect to office  ( D ) to assist                                                         10 . -----------------

11 . SEDITION ( A ) withdrawal   ( B ) drugged state

( C ) negotiation  ( D ) rebellious behavior                                            11 . -----------------

12 . REACTIONARY ( A ) very conservative ( B )  counterattack

( C ) progressive  ( D ) old-fashioned                                                       12 . ------------------

 13 . PODIATRIST ( A ) architect  ( B ) foot doctor

( C ) gloomy person    ( D ) fortune teller                                                13 . ------------------

14 . ROBUST ( A )  sensible  ( B ) weak

( C ) punctured  ( D ) vigorous                                                                  14 . -------------------

15 . COUNTERMAND ( A )  cancel  ( B ) government clerk

( C ) conceal  ( D ) official document                                                         15 . -------------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2. B 3 . C 4 . A 5. A 6 . D 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 . B 11 . D 12 . A 13 . B 14 . D 15 . A

Vocabulary Tests , Test Nine

Vocabulary Tests

Test Nine

1 - ]Read the brief description of the people and places below . Then choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

Charles C. Boycott was an English land agent in Ireland in the 1800s . When he refused to lower his rents , people decided to have nothing to do with him . Nowadays , if you boycott certain countries or business , you -----------------

1 . ( A ) accept them without reservation

     ( B ) refuse to deal with them

     ( C ) praise them openly

     ( D ) ask for favor                                               1 . ---------------------

The Hospital of Saint Mary of Bethlehem was an institution for the mentally ill in London . It was a noisy , confusing place . The name of the hospital was commonly shortened to Bedlam . Now bedlam has come to mean -------------

2 . ( A ) medicine

     ( B ) a noisy , confusing place

     ( C ) religious devotion

     ( D ) a suburb of London                                    2 . ---------------------

 According to the Bible , Mary Magdalene was a reformed sinner . Artists often pictured her crying uncontrollably for her sins . From her name we get the word maudlin , which means ---------------

3 . ( A ) a Biblical scholar

     ( B ) highly religious

     ( C ) a fool

     ( D ) tearful and sentimental                               3 . ---------------------

According to Greek mythology , the goddess Nemesis avenged all injustices . Her justice was swift and certain . Today , when people meet their nemesis , they encounter------------

4 . ( A ) a beautiful goddess

      ( B ) a Greek storyteller

      ( C ) a foe who cannot be beaten

      ( D ) a heroic fictional character                           4 . --------------------

Don Quixote , a character in novel by Miguel de Cervantes , saw himself as a romantic knight . But he frequently rescued women who did not need rescuing and mistook windmills for evil giants . So when we call someone quixotic  , we mean he or she is ----------  

5 . ( A ) sincere , but foolish

     ( B ) a modern warrior

     ( C ) the main character in a story

     ( D ) a person with poor eyesight                             5 . -----------------------

Franz Mesmer was an 18th-century doctor who used hypnotic techniques to cause sleep-like reactions in his patients . Before long , the term mesmerize  came to mean ----------------

6 . ( A ) to entertain

     ( B ) to hold spellbound

     ( C ) to create imaginary people and place

     ( D ) to prescribe unusual medicine                         6 . ---------------------

Samuel Maverick was a rancher , but unlike other ranchers , he never branded his cattle . So naturally , when ranchers saw unbranded cattle roaming the range , they called them “mavericks” . Today , a maverick is also ---------------

7 . ( A ) a person who does not follow the rules

     ( B ) a gambler

     ( C ) someone who loses his belongings

     ( D ) an unfenced area                                                7 . --------------------

Hercules is a character from Greek mythology who gained immortality by performing twelve tasks requiring remarkable strength . Now , when a task is called herculean , it is thought to be ------------

8 . ( A ) fascinating

     ( B ) immortal

     ( C ) imported from Greece

     ( D ) unusually difficult                                                8 . --------------------

According to a popular Greek story . Procrustes invited people to lie in his bed . If they were too short for the bed , he stretched them to fit the bed . If they were too tall for the bed , he cutoff their feet . Now someone who is procrustean will ------------------

9 . ( A ) ignore differences between individuals

     ( B ) protect innocent people

     ( C ) sleep on the floor

     ( D ) respect someone’s personal needs                       9 . --------------------

Mentor was a trusted friend of the mythical Greek hero Odysseus . He was also the teacher of Odysseus’s son and the manager of the house when Odysseus was gone . If a person is call your mentor  , he or she is -------------

10 . ( A ) a great hero

       ( B ) a trusted friend or advisor

       ( C ) someone who loves children

       ( D ) an identical twin                                                 10 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . D 4 . C 5 . A 6 . B 7 . A 8 . D 9  A 10 . B


2 - ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by four words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters . Consider all choices before deciding on your answer . Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . GLIB ( A ) famous  ( B ) thoughtful

( C ) dull  ( D ) ugly                                       1 . ----------------

2 . EVICT ( A ) welcome  ( B ) eject

( C ) resist  ( D ) acknowledge                        2 . ----------------

3 . ELOQUENT ( A ) silent  ( B ) ineffective

( C ) ugly  ( D ) fancy                                     3 . ----------------

4 . INDIFFERENT ( A ) strange  ( B ) concerned

( C ) same  ( D ) careless                                 4 . ----------------

5 . CONCISE ( A ) wordy  ( B ) concentrated

( C ) clever  ( D ) convincing                           5 . ---------------

6 . INVINCIBLE ( A ) unconquered  ( B ) obvious

( C ) transparent  ( D ) defeated                      6 . ---------------

7 . GARRULOUS ( A ) dangerous  ( B ) talkative

( C ) quiet  ( D ) bright and colorful               7 . -------------------

8 . TRITE ( A ) commonplace  ( B ) famous

( C ) important  ( D ) stuffy                             8 . -------------------

9 .HISTRIONIC ( A ) sincere  ( B ) historic

( C ) cheerful   ( D ) forgettable                        9 . ------------------

10 . EVINCE  ( A ) cause  ( B ) combine

( C ) recall  ( D ) hide                                        10 . -----------------

11 . FEROCITY  ( A ) savagery  ( B ) kindness

( C ) generosity  ( D ) metallic                           11 . -----------------

12 . ANGUISH  ( A ) poverty  ( B ) calm

( C ) delight  ( D ) straight                                 12 . ----------------

13 . BELLIGERENT  ( A ) peaceful  ( B ) noisy

( C ) threatening  ( D ) patient                           13 . ---------------

14 . SUCCINCT  ( A ) wasteful  ( B ) vague

( C ) failure ( D ) comfortable                            14 . ---------------

15 . EFFUSIVE ( A ) emotional  ( B ) sealed

( C ) wasteful  ( D ) calm                                     15 . ---------------

Answer Key

1`. B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . B 5 . A 6 . D 7 . C . 8 . C 9 . A 10 . D 11. B 12 . C 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . incisive                    a . a slow , difficult journey      1 . ---------------

2 . verbosity                 b . a trick                                   2 . --------------   

3 . annihilation            c . a false show of courage        3 . --------------

4 . ruse                         d . total destruction                   4 . --------------

5 . bravado                  e . wordiness                              5 . --------------

6 . harangue                f . an appeal or request             6 . --------------

7 . petition                   g . sharp and keen                     7 . --------------

8. laconic                     h . the murder of an entire        8 .----------------

                                     people , race , or cultural group 

9 . genocide                  I brief and to the point              9 . --------------

10 . trek                        j a long , loud speech               10 . --------------

Answer Key

1. g 2 . e 3 . d 4 . b 5. c 6 . j 7 . f 8 . I 9 . h 10 . a

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 61 ) My Neighborhood , Gender Discrimination

61 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

89 - ) My Neighborhood

            As humans, all of us live in a society are bound to a neighborhood. It is an essential place which has a great impact on our lives. So much so that it does determine where we are in life and how we are doing. It is a fact that if we are not happy in our neighborhood, we will not live peacefully.

             I live in a great neighborhood. It is wonderful because it offers us a lot of facilities. The green park near my house makes the area much more beautiful. Similarly, the swings in the park ensure the kids get to play cheerfully all day long. Moreover, my neighborhood also has many other bonuses. A grocery store adjacent to the park makes sure people get all their needs fulfilled without having to go far. All my neighbors buy their things from that grocery store only. The owner also lives in the same area so he is very cordial with everyone. The grocery store saves everyone a long trip to the market and also their time. The park in my neighborhood remains clean at all times. The maintenance team makes sure they clean and sanitize it from time to time. It allows my neighbors to sit and relax in the evenings and take walks in the morning. The clean and fresh air gives everyone a great experience.

                 Apart from the top-notch facilities available in my neighborhood, we also have amazing neighbors who make our lives better. A good neighborhood is not made of facilities only but good people as well. I got lucky in this case because my neighbors are very sweet. They help in maintaining the peace of the area so everyone lives in harmony. I have seen very often that if there is an emergency at anyone’s place, everyone rushes to help. Similarly, we also organize events from time to time so that the whole neighborhood gathers and enjoy themselves. I have a lot of friends in my neighborhood with whom I play. Most of them are my age so we meet every evening to cycle together and play on swings. We also go to each other’s birthday parties and sing and dance. The most favorite thing about my neighborhood is definitely the residents.

            I always notice how we never let any poor person go back empty-handed. My neighborhood also organizes a donation drive every year. In this, each family donates clothes, toys and other useful commodities for the needy. Thus, we all live together as a large family. Even though we live in different houses, our hearts are bounded by the same love and respect for each other.

     All in all, a great neighborhood is important to have a good life. In fact, our neighbors prove to be more helpful than our relatives sometimes. It is because they live nearby so they are most likely to offer help in emergency situations. Similarly, my neighborhood is very clean and helpful, thereby making my life happy and content.

90 - ) Gender Discrimination

                       Gender discrimination is when there are unfair rights between male and female. It differs because of their gender roles which ultimately leads to unequal treatment in life. Gender discrimination has been around for many centuries. However, as we are evolving, it is time to do away with such notions of gender roles.

                          There are many causes of gender discrimination. The first one has to be illiteracy. When people do not educate themselves, they continue to live in the old times. Thus, they follow the old-age sexist traditions and norms.

          Education can bring about a change in this mindset because educated people will less likely partake in gender discrimination. Further, poverty is also another reason which is interlinked in a way. It is the root cause in many places because the economic dependence remains on the male counterparts mostly. Thus, women suffer a lot from it because of the same reason. They never get out of this and stay financially dependent on men. Furthermore, the patriarchal setup in our society plays a big role. In this setup, the male dominates almost every aspect of life. Thus, they consider themselves to be superior to others. This way, a lot of violence and injustice is meted out against females. Thus, when there is a gender considering themselves to be superior, it becomes difficult for everyone to avail equal opportunities.

          Gender discrimination has a deep impact on society as a whole. It does not just impact a specific section of the society but every part of it. First of all, it impacts children as they fall prey to gender stereotypes from a young age. Further, it impacts young people because it impacts their behaviour, study choices, ambitions, attitudes and more. Thus, many girls do not participate in many sports and women experience physical violence more than men.

     Next up, we have gender discrimination affecting adults because there is a gender pay gap between the working class. Men earn more for doing the same work as women. In addition, older women have more risk of becoming homeless than men. It also impacts the aboriginal women because they have it a lot worse. It is more likely to happen that they can die from family violence, 11 times more than men. Even for men, it is not beneficial as it sets difficult standards for men to follow. It draws a line on men being emotional. Thus, they can never showcase their emotions truly without being judged. Similarly, men do not parental leave in many places. Ultimately, all this results in more suicide in men. Thus, it impacts everyone.

 Everyone should not be denied a chance to learn and grow. Thus, everyone, no matter male or female, must get a start in life in terms of educations and other opportunities. We must come together as a society to do this.


Composition & Essay Writing ( 60 ) Self-confidence , Work Is Worship

60 - ) Composition & Essay Writing 

87 – ) Self Confidence

           Self-confidence refers to the state of mind where a person pushes their boundaries and encourages belief within oneself. It is something which comes from self-love. In order to have confidence in yourself, one must love oneself to get freedom from constant doubt. 

         It won’t be far-fetched to say that self-confidence is the key to success. If not, it is definitely the first step towards success. When a person has self-confidence, they are halfway through their battle. People in school and workplaces achieve success by taking more initiatives and being more forward and active in life. Moreover, they tend to make better decisions because of having confidence in oneself. Thus, it makes them stand out of the crowd. When you stand apart, people will definitely notice you. So, it increases your chances of attaining success in life. Alternatively, if there is a person who does not trust or believe in himself, it will be tough. They will find it hard to achieve success because they will be exposed to failure as well as criticism. Therefore , without self-confidence, they may not get back on their feet as fast as someone who possesses self-confidence. In addition to gaining success, one also enjoys a variety of perks as well. For instance, you can find a job more easily. Similarly, you may find the magnitude of a difficult job lesser than it is.

          Self-confidence allows us to face our failure and own up to it in a positive light. Moreover, it helps us to raise many times. This helps instill a quality in use which ensures we do not give up till we succeed. Similarly, self-confidence instills optimism in us. People who have self-confidence are not lucky, they are smart. They do not rely on others to achieve success, they rely on their own abilities to do that.

      While self-confidence is important, it is also important to not become overconfident. As we know, anything in excess can be bad for us. Similarly, overconfidence is also no exception. When you become overconfident, you do not acknowledge the criticism. When you don’t do that, you do not work on yourself. Thus, it stops your growth. Overlooking all this will prove to be harmful. So it is essential to have moderation which can let you attain just the right amount of self-confidence and self-love which will assure you success and happiness in life.

      All in all, a person will gain self-confidence from their own personal experience and decision. No one speech or conversation can bring an overnight change. It is a gradual but constant process we must all participate in. It will take time but once you achieve it, nothing can stop you from conquering every height in life.


88 - ) Work Is Worship

                   The life we receive is given by God and so is this beautiful earth. It gives us all the necessary things to lead a happy life. However, some people do not understand the importance of all this. The proverb work is worship helps us understand that work is real worship. Through work is worship essay, we will understand its meaning and importance.

      “Work is Worship”  this proverb teaches us that real worship is work. It does not take away the fact of worshipping God, but it lays emphasis on work. While it is good to spend hours worshipping God, it is also important to worship your work.

The proverb does not literally ask us to worship work. It makes us understand that we must treat our work utmost importance. Once we start doing it, we can get the same satisfaction we get from worshipping God. In other words, if we have faith in our own work, we will not lose hope in life. Even when things turn terrible, we will be able to make our way out of it by working hard. Thus, we must take our work as worship in order to have a peaceful mind and soul.

          Work will help us derive real pleasure in life. When we will worship our work, we will value it a lot more. As a result, we will be able to perform well in life and attain all the satisfaction.

            It is important to work passionately and with commitment because then we will be able to achieve success. Our work is what adds great meaning to life. When we do not work, life becomes dull and uninteresting. Thus, to avoid monotony, we work hard. Every great civilization you see has been achieved through hard work and commitment. Man is the most skilled creation who is meant to work hard.

  Our intelligent brain allows us to do the right work and have a logical conclusion. If a person sits idle, he will ultimately become unhappy. As we know, an idle mind is the workshop of the devil. Thus, when we will work with full commitment, we will get real peace and satisfaction in life. It will also bring us closer to success. Similarly, every one of us has dreams of some kind.

          Through hard work, we can achieve our dreams, no matter how big or small. Moreover, when we give our best, we will be able to fulfil all our needs. In addition, working hard also makes a person better and more disciplined. We can achieve hard work when we believe that work is worship. In order to do so, we must believe in the power of hard work.

     All in all, work is worship because if we don’t do work properly, it will not give a good outcome. When we will consider our work as worship, we will try to do our best. Work adds meaning to our lives and brings confidence. Thus, it is best to work hard and well so that we can lead a great and content life.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 59 ) First Day of School , Superstition

59 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

85 - )First Day of School

               The first day of schools is not easy for anyone. Even if you are not shy, it is still tough for the first day. When people say the first day of school, the mind usually goes back to our first day in class nursery. But, that is not the same as everyone. When a person transfers to a new school, their first day of the new school is also a new experience.

               The first day of school is a thrilling experience. You are entering an unknown territory and you don’t know anyone there. While it might scare some, for some it is quite exciting. You get to learn about new things on the first day. Moreover, the first day gives us a new perspective on things. Things we don’t often notice, we might notice on our first day of school. It is because we are very aware of our surroundings on our first day. Nonetheless, it is an exciting experience for all. If you are a four-year-old joining school for the first time or a senior going to a new school for the first time, everyone usually remembers their experience and cherish it forever.

                           My father has a government job which requires him to shift a lot. Even though we stayed in the same place, my father moved from one place to another. After being in the same school for 8 years, my father finally got a permanent posting. This meant that we had to move to a new city and join a new school. I was very nervous to move to a new city and even more to join a new school. My present school has all my friends whom I cannot stay apart from. Nonetheless, when we moved to the new city, I became friends with my neighbour. On my first day of school, I joined the fifth standard. The teacher introduced me and I went to sit in my seat. Many children sitting beside me started talking to me. They were being friendly and cordial. Thus, all my nervousness went away. Upon talking with them, I realized that they are very welcoming. Some of them also shared their lunch with me. My neighbour also came to meet me during the recess and we played on the swings. On the first day, only the feeling of being an outsider went away. I enjoyed my first day a lot and came back home smiling.

           Thus, the first day of schools is not easy. It is equally difficult for little children as well as teenagers. It is not easy to enter a place with unknown faces, but it is definitely not impossible. We all need to come out of comfort zone someday, so it serves as a great way of reminding us of this fact.

86 - ) Superstition

                      Ever since a long time, we have seen man believe in some kind of power unseen. Even though they can’t see it, they feel it is present and working. This is what gives rise to superstitions. They are unreasonable and irrational but they still exist all over the world.

               The man started to believe in superstitions when he got a feeling that humans are at the mercy of natural elements. Similarly, some superstitions were also created because of social values. As a result, people worship forces of nature for a long time.The Greeks and Pagans used to worship elements of nature in the form of Gods and Goddesses. Same is the case with Indian tradition. People continue to worship the sun, moon, stars, planets, plants and more believing these things have the power to influence our lives.

                      You might have heard ‘it is because of the impact of some evil star’ and more when a disease overtakes or disaster strikes. Even the people in the West have been believing in them. You will find instances in Shakespeare’s plays where he includes things like omens, witches and more.

In fact, ever since a long time till date, people still consider the number 13 to be unlucky. Similarly, salt spilling over the dinner table is also an ill-omen. In India, people consider the black cat crossing the way to be unlucky. Similar is the case of an owl hooting or a dog wailing.

                 India has a long history of superstitions. There are many superstitions which people in this country follow. When someone sneezes during the time of departure, people consider it unlucky. Similarly, when you hear long mewing of a cat, people consider it a bad omen. Alternatively, offering curd before the start of any journey is auspicious. A group which follows superstitions a lot are students appearing for an examination.

 Weeks before exams, the visit to temples starts to grow. Some of the students also get a taveez with a lucky stone to help them out. Further, some students place their stationery for the exam in the prayer room.

                 Most common superstitions include not cutting nails at night, not using the broom after sunset, not opening the scissors without cutting anything, not looking at oneself in a broken mirror and many more.

Even some political leaders in India believe in superstitions. For instance, they wait for an auspicious day to file their nomination or take an oath. In other words, even in the highest places, people do follow superstitions.

                   If we look at it closely, there is no logic as such behind the beliefs in superstitions. However, they have grown age-old and despite all the scientific advancement, they are not going anywhere soon. However, it is better to subject ourselves less to them otherwise each moment of our life will be on the edge.


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...