Grammar American & British

Friday, December 3, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 16 ] Upper Intermediate

16 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

11 - Conditionals

The following sentences are first , second or third conditional . Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate form


1 . We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible . If it had been (be) a nice day , we would have gone (go) for a picnic .

2 . Why don’t you explain everything to him ? If you ------------------(not tell) him the truth , I’m sure you -------------------(regret) it one day .

3 . Sarah was here not long ago . If you ------------------(come round) earlier , you ---------------

(see) her .

4 . Apparently , the ferry company are planning to close the port in this town . If that --------

(happen) , the town ----------------(lose) a great deal of money .

5 . I --------------(help) you with it if I -----------------(have) more time but I’m afraid I haven’t got any spare time at all at the moment .

6 . The government is expecting to win the next election , but if it --------------(lose) , the Prime Minister --------------------(resign) from politics .

7 . I am so glad that you took me to your friend’s party . If we --------------(not go) there I

----------------------( never meet) Abdou .

8 . It’s ridiculous that trains are so expensive . If fares ---------------------(be) cheaper , I’m sure more people ---------------------(use) the train and leave their cars at home .

9 . If she ---------------------(get) that job she’s applied for , she---------------------(be) delighted . And I think she’s got a good chance of getting it .

10 . Fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty . It -------------

(be) a disaster if it ------------------(happen) in the middle of the day .

11 . The talks between the two leaders keep breaking down . If they ---------------(break down) again , it is possible that there --------------------(be) a war between the two countries .

12 . If Ali -------------------(know) anything about car mechanics , I’m sure he ------------(help) us fix the car , but I think he know even less than we do .

13 . They’ve been married for twenty years now but I don’t think she ----------------(marry) him if she --------------(know) what  a selfish man he was .

14 . Children spend too much time watching television and playing computer games . I’m sure they ------------------(be) happier if they ---------------------(spend) more time playing outside .

15 . Sami has everything he wants but he’s always moaning . I’m sure that if I ------------(have) so much money , I -------------------(not moan) all the time .

Conditional sentences : Variations In Tenses

1 . We can also use present continuous ,present perfect simple , present perfect continuous , can , should , ‘ will’ is used in the main clause .


If he’s still waiting for you , he’ll be very angry .

If you’re coming out with us tonight , you’ll need to be ready by 7 o’clock .

If Ahmad’s received your letter , I’m sure he’ll phone you today .

If it’s been raining in the night , you’ll have to wear wellingtons .

if I can finish work early , I’ll came and help you .

If I should see him , I’ll tell him the good news .

Note : When we use if + should , the conditional is less likely to be fulfilled .

2 . We can use , ‘be going to’ future , future continuous , future perfect , imperative , can /could , may/might , should / ought to , must .


If Adel passes all his exams , we’re going to buy her a big present .

If we book this holiday , we’ll be lying on a warm beach in two weeks’ time .

If they win this next match , they’ll have won every match in the season .

If you need any help , call me .

If you phone me after 12 o’clock , I might be in bed .

If they don’t eat their dinner , they can’t have any ice-cream .

3 . Second Conditional

We can use the past continuous , could , or were / was to .

The main clause usually has the modal would + infinitive . However , the modals could and might  are also used and the infinitive can be in the continuous from .


If you were coming with me , I’d give you a lift .

If I could have the day off , I’d come with you .

If you were to as Said , I’m sure he would do it .

If we had more money , we wouln’t be living here .

If we had more money , we could go out more often .

If you asked Nasser , he might do it for you .

4 . Third conditional

We can use the past perfect continuous or could + perfect infinitive . The main clause usually has the modal would + perfect infinitive . However , we can use the modals could and might before the perfect infinitive .


If he had been traveling in that car , he would have been killed too .

If we could have got a taxi , we would have come round to see you .

If I had known there was no more work to do , I could have stayed in bed .

If the ambulance had come sooner , he might have been saved .

Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form .


1 . Oh dear , I think we’re a bit late . If the concert’s already started ,we won’t be allowed

( not be allowed) to go in .

2 . He wouldn’t be coming here if he -----------------------(not want) to .

3 . If you were planning to leave your husband , I -----------------(advise) you against it .

4 . He could be earning lots of money now if he really ---------------------(want) to , but I don’t think that’s what he wants .

5 . You can stay here tonight if you -------------------(not have) anywhere else to stay .

6 . If I could have phoned you , I ------------------(tell) you what was happening .

7. If you -------------------------(have) any problems , give me a ring .

8. If you -----------------(get) here at about 8 o’clock , I’ll be waiting for you .

 9 . We could have got there in time if you ----------------(phone) us earlier .

10 . If this should happen again , --------------------- (come) and ---------------(tell) me about it immediately .

11 . You can’t expect kindness and support from your family if you ---------------(not give) the same to them .

12 . If she’s been working all day , she ---------------------(be) very tired when she gets in .

13 . If the management were to reinstate the strike leader , the strike ---------------(be called off) .

14 . If I -----------------------(keep) working on this essay , I’ll have finished it by tonight .

15. If I could borrow some money , I ------------------(definitely come) on the holiday with you , but I think it’s unlikely .

16 . I might have been able to help you if you -------------------(explain) the problem to me .

17 . If I could live wherever I wanted to , I think I ----------------------(choose) to live on an island

18 . If they had been listening more carefully , they ----------------------(might understand) what I was saying .

19 . If I ---------------------------(be) a year older , I could join the army .

20 . If I ------------------------------(get) a pay rise , I’m going to buy a new car .

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 15 ] Upper Intermediate

15 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

10 - ] Phrasal Verbs

1 - ] Underline the phrasal verbs in the following dialogue . Write the phrasal verbs in the infinitive in the appropriate columns .

Galal , a head of department , is talking to his manager , Tawfiq .

T : So can you tell me how things are going in your department at the moment , Galal ?

G : Well , Ahmad’s getting on very well . I think we did the right thing taking him on . He’s already achieved higher sales than Nasser this month . He’s got lots of enthusiasm and he never wastes any time ; he just gets on with it .

T : Well , that’s good news . But what about Nasser ? Is his work still not coming up to standard ?

G : No , it isn’t . His sales figures have been going down steadily since the beginning of the year . If he carries on like this , I think I’ll have to take him off that job and put him back in the office .

T : So what do you think the problem is ?

G : Well , to be honest , I think he’s lost enthusiasm for the job . And I thin his outside interests are taking up a lot of his time and energy .

T : I’m afraid that’s just not good enough . If his sales figures don’t start going up soon , he might find himself looking round for another job .

G : Yes , I think that’s right . I’ll fix up a meeting with him so that we can run through this year’s figures and then I’ll let him know that he can’t get away with this poor performance for much longer .

T : Yes , I really think he should give up some of these outside activities if his work is suffering .

G : Yes , I agree . Don’t worry .I’ll sort it out with him .


Transitive ( separable )

Transitive ( inseparable )

get on

take off

get on with







2 - ]Rewrite the underlined parts , replacing the words between brackets with a phrasal verb from the above Exercise 1.


1 . I’d like to discuss your plans with you . Can we (arrange) to have a meeting soon ?

Can we fix up a meeting soon ?

2 . You’ve got exams soon . You can’t (continue) going out every night .


3 . He arrives late for work every day . I don’t know how he ( does it without getting into trouble) .


4 . If the business continues to expand , we’ll need to (employ) more staff soon .


5 . We’ll never get this problem (resolved) if we don’t talk about it .


6 . The club membership has been (declining) for the last five years .


7 . I’m going to (remove) you from this case , detective . I think you’re becoming too personally involved .


8 .I really think he should (stop) drinking ; it’s not doing him any good .


9 . I’m afraid I’m a bit disappointed with the course . It hasn’t really (reached) my expectations .


10 . I don’t think she’ll want to be in the play this year . Her new job is (using) all her energy .


3 - ] Complete the gaps with the following phrasal verbs .Put the verbs into the correct tense and form . Two of the verbs should be put into the passive . Write the answers in the spaces provided below the text .

( turn up - put in for - pick up - run out of - come down - go on - turn down - save up - take over - live off - cheer up - fall back on )

Dear Ali ,

                  How’s life treating you these days ? Things haven’t been too good for me lately , I’m afraid . My company 1 .----------------------- by UK confectionery in January and half the workforce was made redundant , including me . I 2 ---------------- lots of different jobs since then but I 3 -----------------every time . I think I might have to retain , but the problem is that I 4 ---------------------money now so I can’t afford to pay for a course .I’ve already spent all the money I 5 --------------------to go on holiday and I’ve got no other money to 6 -------------

I really hope that something 7 -----------------------soon otherwise I don’t know what I’ll do . I know the government keeps saying that the economy’s starting to 8------------------now but I don’t see any signs of it myself . And it’s just so difficult trying to 9 -----------------social security .

         Anyway , sorry to be so depressing . I just hope I have some better news for you when I next see you . In fact , I was wondering if you’d like to 10 --------------for a weekend soon . It would 11 ------------me -------------to see you again and I promise I won’t 12 -------------------


1 . was taken over     2 . ---------------------3 . -------------------------------- 4 . -------------------------

5 . ---------------------- 6 . ---------------------7 . -------------------------------- 8 .--------------------------

9 .----------------------- 10 .-------------------11 .-------------------------------  12.-------------------------  

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 14 ] Upper Intermediate

14 -] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

 8 - ] The Causative ‘have’ and the causative ‘get’

Rewrite the words underlined using ‘have’ or ‘get’ + object + past participle


1 . There’s a photographer over there . Why don’t we ask her to take our picture ?

Why don’t we have / get our picture taken ?

2 . I’ve finally decided to arrange for someone to pierce my ears .

I’ve finally decided to have / get my ears pierced .

3 . There’s a leak in the roof . We should arrange for someone to repair it .


4 . What time is it ? I’m afraid someone hasn’t repaired my watch yet .


5 . Someone is going to redecorate the kitchen for us next month .


6. If I were you , I’d ask someone to fell hat tree . It shuts out all the light .


7 . I’m having a bit of trouble with my eyes at the moment so someone’s going to test them next week .


8 - I love someone massaging my shoulders .


9 . The dentist hasn’t checked my teeth this year .


10 . The baby was crying because someone was washing her hair .

11 . He looks much younger . I think someone’s dyed his hair .


12 . I don’t know if I’ve passed the course because the tutors haven’t marked all my work yet .

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 . That wasps’ nest is dangerous . You must ask someone to remove it .


9 - ] Constructions After wish

Rewrite the sentences using ‘I wish’ + past simple , past perfect or ‘would’


1 . I haven’t got a car . I would very much like to have one .

I wish I had a car .

2 . I went to bed late last night . I regret it now .

I wish I hadn’t gone to bed late last night .

3 . We don’t live in a nice big flat . I would like us to .


4 . I didn’t buy that dress . I regret it now .


5 . He won’t stop shouting . I would like him to .


6 . I lost my temper I regret it now .


7 . You didn’t tell me the truth . I am very sorry that you didn’t .


8 . You’re playing that music . I would like you to stop playing it but I don’t expect that you will .


9 . I didn’t go to that concert . I regret it now .


10 . I don’t have an interesting job . I would like my job to be more interesting .


11 . My family live a long way from here . I would like them to live nearer to me .


12 . You’re not listening to me . I feel annoyed about it and I would like you to listen to me but I don’t think you will .


13 . I am not with him now . I would very much like to be .


14 . I spent all my money on that new coat . I regret it now .


15 . I’m really hungry now . We didn’t eat before we came out and I regret that .


Grammar Practice Exercises [ 13 ] Upper Intermediate

13 - ] Grammar Practice

Upper Intermediate

7 -] The Active & Passive Forms

1 - ] Rewrite the sentences , putting verbs into the passive . Make any other necessary changes


1 . They should have given us this information ages ago .

This information should have been given to us ages ago .

2 . Do you want someone to wake you up in the morning ?

Do you want to be woken up in the morning ?

3 . I don’t like someone telling me what to do ?


4 . The windows are really dirty : no one’s cleaned them for weeks .


5 . After the company made him redundant , he became very depressed .


6 . I would like them to have given me the chance to explain my point of view , but they weren’t interested .


7 . I’m hoping they will choose me for the college football team .


8 . People believe that many more people will die of skin cancer over the next ten years .


9 . If it hadn’t rained so much , we would have finished the job on time .


10 . We can’t take the car : the people at the garage are repairing it .


2 - Rewrite the following , putting the underlined verbs into the passive and making any other changes that are necessary . Use by + agent where appropriate

1 . The company is sorry to announce that the situation has forced it to introduce a range of cost-cutting measures as from the beginning of the new year .

Unfortunately , we can no longer provide free tea and coffee . Someone is going to install new coin-operated drinks machines in every department and you can purchase a wide range of drinks from these . We will also stop overtime payments after the end of this month and we will expect all members of staff to complete their duties within their contract hours . You must no longer make personal calls from office phones and we request you to use the pay phone in the basement for this purpose .

2 . Fire almost completely destroyed  the hotel last night . By the time someone called the fire brigade , the hotel was already blazing . Ambulances took fifteen people to hospital suffering from severe burns . They say that seven of them are in serious condition . People think that a discarded cigarette started the fire .


The hotel was almost completely destroyed by fire last night . By the time the fire brigade was / were called , the hotel was already blazing .

3 . Jamila is talking to her friend Gamal about her holiday .

G : So , how was the holiday ?

J : Oh ,it was fantastic . They organized everything so well . As soon as we arrived at the airport ,our courier met us and took us to the hotel . Someone had cleaned all the rooms beautifully and put fresh flowers on the tables .

G : Oh ,how lovely . And what about the food ?

J : It was excellent . They freshly prepared it all in the hotel and they even made the bread in te hotel kitchen . They served the bread rolls hot every morning with breakfast .

G : Mm , it does sound good . I must say , I’d like someone to cook my meals for me for a couple of weeks . And what about the surrounding area ? Was that nice ?

J : Oh beautiful . There were trips every day and they showed us all the local sights . There was so much history to see . You’d love it there , honestly .

4 . Last month the council put forward a plan to make the seafront traffic-free . Many of the shops and restaurant owners support the plan as they believe that a more pleasant environment will improve their trade . However , the hotel owners are less enthusiastic and say that the traffic restriction will make access to their car parks very difficult . There have also been protests from some local residents who complain that the closure of the seafront road will make their journeys around the town much longer .

3 . Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and form . Some of the verbs should be in the passive and some in the active . Write the answers in the spaces provided below the text .

More cars and lorries 1-------------(drive) on our roads every year and , sadly, as a result of this , more and more wild animals 2 -------------(kill) by vehicles . Roads often 3 ------------(cross) the routes that 4 --------------(take) by animals when they are migrating , breeding or feeding .

 Every spring , many thousands of toads 5 -----------------(kill) as they 6 -------------(make) their way to the traditional breeding ponds . Allover the world , animals are victims of the road and their dead remains can 7 --------------(often see) lying on the roadside . Many badgers and hedgehogs 8 --------------(hit) by cars at night as they ------------(move around) in search of food . Rabbits sometimes seem to 10------------------(hypnotize) by the headlights of cars and 11 -------------------(not move ) quickly out of the way . Birds 12 ----------------------

(sometimes hit) too as they 13 ---------------(fly) low over roads .  -----------------(can anything do) to protect these animals from dangers of the road ? Well , in 1969 , a toad tunnel --------

(build) in Switzerland and was a great success . Since then ,other tunnels 16 -------------------

(construct) elsewhere in Europe , not just for toads but for badgers and salamanders too . In Florida , where the rare Florida panther 17 ------------------(live) , panther tunnels

18  ------------------(build) under the highway and fencing 19 --------------------(put up) beside the highway to guide the animals safely into these underpasses . Road signs warning drivers to 20----------------(look out) for particular animals 21 -----------------( often see) in the US and it is to 22--------------------(hope) that they 23 -------------(become) a more common sight on the roads of Europe .

1 . are being driven                2. --------------------------------- 3 . --------------------------------

4 . -----------------------------     5 . --------------------------------  6. --------------------------------

7 .------------------------------     8 .--------------------------------   9.---------------------------------

10 .------------------------------  11 . -----------------------------        12 . --------------------------------

13 .------------------------------  14 .-----------------------------         15 . -------------------------------

16 . ------------------------------  17 . ----------------------------         18 .-------------------------------

19 .------------------------------   20 .-----------------------------         21 . ------------------------------

22 . -----------------------------    23 .-----------------------------  

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...