Grammar American & British

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Grammar American & British [ 1 ]

1- ]  Grammar American & British  . 

Chapter One .
Sentence & Sentence Framment .
A sentence is a word group that contains a subject and a verb and that expresses a complete thought ( or meaning ).
A sentence fragment is a group of words  that looks like a sentence but does not contain a subject and a verb or does not express a complete thought .
1- ] Sailing around the world . ( the word group lacks a subject )
2- ] The hike through the Grand Canyon . ( word group lacks verb )
3- ] After they pitched the tent . ( contains a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought )
Subjects and Predicates .
Sentences consist of two basic parts : subjects and predicates .
The Subject
Simple Subject and Complete Subject :
The simple subject is the main word or word group that tells whom or what the sentence is about .
The complete subject consists of all the words that tells whom or what a sentence is about .
The four new students arrived early .
Simple subject : students
Complete subject : The four new students
A simple subject may consist of one word or several words .
Jets often break the sound barrier . ( one word )
Does Aunt Carmen own a grocery store ? ( two words )
On the library shelf was Island of the Blue Dolphins . ( six words )
The Predicate
The predicate of a sentence tells something about the subject . Like the subject , the predicate may be found anywhere in a sentence .
Outside the tent was a baby bear .  ( subject at the end )
Late in the night we heard a noise . ( The predicate in this sentence is divided by the subject “we” . )
Stop right there . ( The subject in this sentence is understood to be “you” . )

The boy
The dog
The girl
The books
the dog.
the boy .
the books .
the girl
Simple Subjects And Simple Predicates .
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought . Every sentence has two basic parts ,a subject and a predicate . The subject is the part of the sentence that names whom or what the sentence is about . The predicate is the part of the sentence that says something about the subject .Both the subject and the predicate can consist of more than one word .
The simple subject is the key noun or pronoun that tells whom or what the sentence is about .
The simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase that expresses the action or state of being of the subject of the sentence . A simple predicate is a verb phrase that consists of a verb and any auxiliary or helping verbs .
Simple Subject                 Simple Predicate
Nikki Glovanni                 writes .
Everyone                           will attend .
Cookies                              were baking .
Traffic                               slowed .
You find the simple subject by asking ‘who’ or ‘what’ ? about the verb . For example , in the first sentence above , the proper name Nikki Giovanni answers the question ‘who’ writes ?

Complete Subjects And Complete Predicates .
In most sentences , the addition of other words and phrases to the simple subject and the simple predicate expands or modifies the meaning of the sentence .
The complete subject consists of the simple subject and all the words that modify it .
The complete predicate consists of the simple predicate ( the verb or verb phrase ) and all the words that modify it or complete its meaning .
Complete Subject                             Complete Predicate
The celebrated Nikki Glovanni       writes fantastic poetry .
Everyone in the French club            will attend the meeting .
Chocolate chip cookies                     were baking in the oven .
The rush hour traffic                        slowed to a snail’s pace .
Compound Subjects And Complete Predicates .
A compound subject is made up of two or more simple subjects that are joined by a conjunction and have the same verb . Coordinating and correlative conjunctions are commonly used to join the subjects in a compound subject .
Books and magazines are sold at the new store .
Water or soda will be served with dinner .
Neither the bus nor the subway goes there .
Both experience and adequate training are necessary .
When there are more than two subjects in the compound subject , the conjunction is usually used only between the last two words , and the words are separated by commas .
Crimson , cerise , and vermillion are shades of red .
Some sentences have more than one simple predicate .
A compound predicate ( or compound verb ) is made up of two or more verbs or verb phrases that are joined by a conjunction and have the same subject .
Artists draw and paint .
Ali sat on a bench , opened his lunch box , and ate a sandwich .
In compound verbs that contain verb phrases , the auxiliary verb may or may not be repeated before the second verb .
Cats will hiss and will scratch when frightened .
Cats will hiss and scratch when frightened .
A sentence may have both a compound subject and a compound predicate
Comedians and musicians delight and entertain audiences .
 Order Of Subject And Predicate .
In English the subject comes before the verb in most sentences . Some exceptions to this normal word order are discussed below .
1- ] In commands and requests the subject is usually not stated . The predicate is the entire sentence . The pronoun you is understood to be the subject .
Examples .
[ You ] Listen ! / ( You ) please see me . / [ You ] Be careful !
2- ] Questions frequently begin with a verb or a helping verb or the words ‘who’ , ‘whom’ , ‘what’ , ‘when’ , ‘where’ , ‘why’ , or ‘how .
Did he reply ?
Have you read Nikki Glovanni’s poetry ?
What do they sing ?
In these cases , the subject generally follows the verb or helping verb . To find the subject of a question , rearrange the words to form a statement .
Subject          Predicate
He                  did reply .
You                have read Nikki Glovanni’s poetry .
They               do sing what .
Identifying Subjects and Predicates .
Identify each underlined word or group of words in the paragraph by writing one of these labels : simple subject , complete subject , complete subject , simple predicate , complete predicate .
Public parks(1) are assets to any town or city . (2) They are (3) pleasant places for people of all ages . Young children (4) use the playground equipment (5) . There are often ballparks . (6) for softball and baseball . Some parks (7) have picnic tables and shelter houses (8) . In large parks may be found (9) restroom facilities (10) . Trees , grass , and colorful flowers (11)beautify a park and make an oasis in a city (12) . The attractive green space (13) is a welcome break from building and pavement . (14) Are there adequate parks (15) near you ?
Order Of Subject And Predicate
In English the subject comes before the verb in most sentences . Some exceptions to this normal word order are discussed below .
1- ] In commands and requests , the subject is usually not stated . The predicate is the entire sentence . The pronoun you is understood to be the subject .
[You] Listen ! / [You] Please see me .  / [You] Be careful .
2- ] Questions frequently begin with a verb or a helping verb or the words ‘wo’ , ‘whom’ , ‘what’ , ‘when’ , ‘where’ , ‘why’ , or ‘how’ .
Did he reply ?
Have you read Nikki Giovanni’s poetry ?
What do they sing ?
In these cases , the subject generally follows the verb or helping verb . To find the subject or a question , rearrange the words to form a sentence .

The Subject Of The Sentence With Inverted Order .
When the subject of a sentence follows part or all of the verb , the word order is said to be inverted . To find the subject of a sentence with inverted order , restate the sentence in normal subject-verb order . A sentence written in inverted order , in which the predicate comes before the subject , serves to add emphasis to the subject .
Predicate                                                          Subject
Under the moonlight sat                            the old cypress tree .
Above the forest circled                             three hawks .
A word in a prepositional phrase is never the subject . When the word  ‘there’ or ‘here’ begins a sentence and is followed by a form of the verb ‘to be’ , the subject follows the verb . The word ‘there’ or ‘here’ is almost never the subject of a sentence .
Predicate                           Subject
Here are                            the quilts from my grandmother .
There is                             the book on the table .
Here are your gloves . ( inverted )
Your gloves are here . ( normal )
Were you arriving late , too ? ( inverted )
You were arriving late , too . ( normal )
In the pond swim large goldfish . ( inverted )
Large goldfish swim in the pond . { normal )  
Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates .
Write each simple subject and simple predicate . Underline the simple predicate .
1- ] The members of the track team have been striving for perfection .
2- ]An assortment of rare books is on the shelf .
3- ] In preparation for the bar examination , Ali has been studying around the clock .
4- ] The woodchuck slept soundly in its winter quarters underground .
5- ] Grains of salt clung to the hot , buttered corn .
6- ] The family had agreed on their course of action .
7- ] The sandpipes in single file hopped along the shore at the water’s edge .
8- ] our friends from Alexandria will be visiting here in June .
9- ] Not a sound could be heard that night .
10- ] The road through the woods suddenly came to an end .
Practice .
Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates .
Write each simple subject and simple predicate . If a subject is understood , write (You )
1- ] At the edge of the forest stood a watchful deer .
2- ] Please pass the salt .
3- ] Here is your first period classroom .
4- ] Devastating were the effects of the tornado !
Why was the siren blaring ?
6- ] Dip the fish in the batter and lower it into the fryer .
7- ] From the west came a driving rain .
Did you see the meteor shower last night ?
9- ] Not a scrap of food remained after the picnic .
Print your full name on the first line .
Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates .
Identify each underlined complete subject or complete predicate by writing CS ( complete subject ) or CP ( complete predicate ) .
1- ] Several prize-winning posters are being displayed this week .
2- ] The Aztecs of Mexico played a game similar to basketball .
3- ] A disturbing haze appeared in the distance .
4- ] The country of France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States .
5- ] One of my friends gave me a recipe for making bread .
6- ] My friend Hassan has been waiting twenty minutes for the bus .
7- ] Our trip was organized yesterday .
8- ] Adel and his team members outlined their ideas for the debate .
9- ] The Mississippi River flows south through the center of the United States .
10-] Our refrigerator door is covered with pictures .

The Verb Phrase .
Some simple predicates or verbs consist of more than one word . Such verbs are called verb phrase ( verbs that include one or more helping verbs ) .
Note : The words “not” and “never” are not verbs ; they are adverbs . Adverbs are not part of a verb or verb phrase .
She is riding a horse . ( verb phrase )
The carnival has been in town for two weeks .
Should he have gotten here sooner ?
She has not written to me recently .
I will never forget her .
They do not know my cousins .
‘Not’ and ‘never’ are adverbs and not part of the verb phrase .
Compound Subjects and Compound Verbs .
A compound subject consists of two or more subjects that are joined by a conjunction and that have the same verb . The conjunctions most commonly used to connect the words of a compound subject are ‘and’ , and ‘or’ .
Paris and London remain favorite tourist attractions . ( The two parts of the compound subject have the same verb ‘remain’ connected with ‘and’. )
The manager or the vice manager will speak at the conference . ( The two parts of the compound subject have the same verb phrase ‘will speak’ connected with ‘or’ . )
In sentences with a compound subject joined by ‘or’ , the verb agrees with the subject closest to it .
My brother or my parents are coming with me .
Compound Verbs
A compound verb consists of two or more verbs that are joined by a conjunction and that have the same subject .
The team played well but lost the game any way .
Will she mop the floor or wash the dishes ?
The rain has fallen for days and is still falling .
A sentence may contain both ‘ a compound subject’ and ‘ a compound verb’ .
A few vegetables and many flowers ( compound subject ) sprouted and grew ( compound verb ) in the rich soil .
Kinds Of Sentences .
Classifying Sentences by Purpose .
1- ] A declarative sentence :
A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period [ full stop ] .
I couldn’t hear what he said . ( declarative sentence )
Flowers and insects depend on one another for life . ( declarative sentence )
2- ] An imperative sentence :
An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request . Most imperative sentences end with a period . A strong command ends with an exclamation mark .
Be quiet during the play . ( command )
Please give me another piece of melon . ( request )
Stop ! ( strong command )
Notice the yellow pollen that collects on the legs and body of bee .  ( command )
The subject of a command or a request is always ‘you’ , even if ‘you’ does not appear in the sentence . In such cases ‘you’ is called the ‘understood subject’ , even when the person is addressed. by name .
( You ) Be quiet during the play .
( You ) Please give me another piece of melon .
( You ) Stop !
3- ] An interrogative sentence :
An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark .
Examples :
Did the surf board cost much ?
When did you return from your camping trip ?
Have you ever seen a talking computer ?
4- ] An exclamatory sentence :
An exclamatory sentence shows excitement , wonder ,
or expresses strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point ( mark ) .
She won the match  !
How terrifying that movie was  !
What a remarkable insect the bee is !

Friday, June 26, 2020

Proverbs Around The World .[ 5 ] أمثلة عالمية مترجمة للعربية

Proverbs Around The World . [ 5 ]👭

 Friends though absent are still present .  Latin , Cicero

الأصدقاء حاضرون رغم غيابهم .

 Friendship , like love is destroyed by long absence though it may be increased by short intermission .  English , Johnson

ان الصداقة شأنها شأن الحب يدمرها الفراق الطويل ، حتى لوربما تزيد بالتواصل القصير .

 Greater things are believed of those who are absent .  Latin , Tacitus

تصدق أمور أكبر حجما عن أولئك الغائبون .

 He is guilty who is not at home .  Ukrainian

من غاب عن وطنه فقد أجرم .

 He that is absent is soon forgotten . English

من غاب سرعان ما يطويه النسيان .

 He that is absent will not be the heir .  Latin

من غاب لن يكون وريث .

 He that quits his place loses it .  French

من غادر مكانه يفقده .

Absolution .

الغفران .

 He who has departed is forgotten as time goes on . Japanese

من فارق يطويه النسيان بمرور الوقت .

 He’s a silly body that’s never missed . Scottish

من لا تقع عليه الوحشة فهو مذموم .

 His absence is gude [ good ] company . Scottish

فراقه نعم الصحبة .

Proverbs Around The World . [ 4 ] أمثلةعالمية مترجمة للعربية

Proverbs Around The World . [ 4 ]💔

 Absence is the enemy of love .  Spanish

الفراق عدو للحب .

 Absence makes the heart grow fonder .  English , Bayly

الفراق يزيد الأشواق .

 Absent , none[ are never ] without fault ; [ nor the ] present ,[ none ] without excuse . French

اذا كنت غائبا فقد جانبك الصواب ، واذا كنت حاضرا فقد جانبتك الأعذار .

 Achilles absent was Achilles still . Greek , Homer

اذا كان أخيلوس غائبا فهو لايزال حاضرا بيننا .

 Always toward absent lovers love’s tide flows stronger . Latin ,Propertius

ان الحب له مد أشد دائما مع المحبين المفارقين .

 Distance sometimes endears friendship and absence sweeteneth it .    English

البعد يزيد من غلاوة الصداقة أحيانا ، والفراق يحليها .

 Distance weakens love . Latin , Claudian

البعد يضنى الحب .

 Even enemies when absent should not be harmed . Latin , Cato

حتى الأعداء لايجب أن يصيبهم أذى فى غيابهم .

 Far from the eyes , far from the heart . French

البعيد عن العين ، بعيد عن القلب .

 Friends dwelling afar off are not friends . Greek

الأصدقاء الذين يقطنون بعيدا ليسوا بأصدقاء .

Proverbs Around The World . [ 3 ]أمثلة عالمية مترجمة للعربية

Proverbs Around The World . [ 3 ]😅

Those who have the fewest teeth chew the most .  Dutch

أقل الناس أسنانا أكثرهم مضغا .

 Who ties well unties well .  Spanish

من بيده العقد ، بيده الحل .

Absence / Leaving / Parting .

الغياب / المغادرة / الفراق .

A good thing is esteemed more in its absence than in its enjoyment . Latin

الشىء المجدى يقدر أكثر مما يقدر عند غيابه وليس عند الاستفادة منه .

 A little absence does much good .  French

فراق قليل له نفع كثير .

 A man who speaks ill of an absent friend , or fails to take his part if attacked by another is a scoundrel .  Latin , Horace

ان المرء الذى يغتاب صاحبه فى غيابه ، أو لا يحل محله أذا هاجمه شخص آخر فهووغد 

 Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones .

  French , La Rochoucauld

الفراق يقلل من العواطف الضعيفة ويزيد من العواطف المشبوبة .

 Absence doth sharpen love , presence strengthens it . English , Overbury

الفراق يشحذ الحب ، والحضور يقويه .

 Absence is a shrew . English

الفراق نشاذ .

 Absence is love’s foe : far from the eyes , far from the heart . Spanish

الفراق عدو الحب : فمن يغيب عن الأعين ، يغيب عن الفؤاد ( من يغيب عن النظر يغيب عن الخاطر ) .

Absence is the death of love . Spanish , Calderon

الفراق موت للحب .

Proverbs Around The World . [ 2 ] أمثلة عالمية مترجمة للعربية

Proverbs Around The World . [ 2 ]💣💣

 Man is capable of all things . French , Montaigne

الانسان يستطيع فعل كل شىء .

 Many can drive an ox ; few can plough .  Latin

كثيرون يستطيعون أن يسوقوا الثور ، ولكن قليلون يستطيعون حرث الأرض .

 Many can pack the cards that can not play . English

كثيرون يمكن أن يعدوا أوراق اللعب لكنهم لايستطيعون اللعب .

 Most men don’t lack the will but the ability . American

معظم الناس لايفتقرون الارادة ، لكنهم يفتقرون القدرة .

 My heart bids me do it , if I do it I can , and it is a thing possible to do .    Greek Homer

قلبى يفتينى بفعل الأمر ، ولو أردت فعله لأمكننى ذلك ، وانه لأمر يسير على .

 One man can speak and seven can sing .  German

أمرؤ واحد بمقدوره الحديث ، وسبعة يمكنهم الغناء .

 One man excels in one thing , another in another .  Latin

يتفوق أمرؤ فى أمر ويتفوق آخر فى غيره .

 Put the man to the mare that can manage the mare . Scottish

نصب الشخص لقيادة المهرة التى يستطيع قيادتها . / ضع الشخص المناسب فى الموضع المناسب .

 The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators .English , Gibbon

أن الرياح والأموج طوع أقدرالبحارة .                                                             

💣💣There is no school for ability . Turkish

لاتوجد مدرسة تزرع القدرة .

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