Grammar American & British

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing , Obesity , Road Accidents [ 42 ]

42- ] Composition & Essay Writing .
51-] Obesity .

                         It is the condition of having an excessive amount of body fat . It increases a person’s risk for many illnesses including diabetes , heart disease , hypertension , arthritis and cancer . Physicians use a measurement called body mass index [ BMI ] to determine if a person is obese . The body mass index represents the relationship between a person’s weight and height.

                       You can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters . For example , a 130 pound [ 59 kilogram  ] woman who is 5 feet 4 inches [ 1.6 meters ] tall has a BMI of 59 divided by 2.56 [ that is 1.6 ] or about 23 .

                      In children , the normal range of BMI changes with age and differs between boys and girls . Physicians use BMI-for-age growth charts to determine obesity in children .In adults a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered normal . A BMI of 25 t0 29.9 is considered over-weight and a BMI of 30 and above is considered obese .

                      People in industrialized countries tend to be heavier than people who live in underdeveloped countries . A big percentage of the US population is over-weight or obese . Approximately 65% of adults and about 15% of children and adolescents in the US are considered over-weight or obese . The adult figure has doubled since 1980 and it has trebled for children and also adolescents . In 2000 , the US health care system spent $ 61 billion on the diagnosis , care and prevention of obesity .

                  In 2004 Americans spent about $ 115 billion on fast food , more than on higher education or personal computers or new cars . Americans spent about half of their food budget on meals and drinks consumed outside home and consume about a third oif their daily energy this way .

                    Obesity is caused by consuming more calories than are burned over time . The relationship between how much a person eats and how many calories he or she burns is influenced by hereditary and environmental factors . In some cases obesity may be caused by specific diseases or head injuries that affect the release of hormones that cause weight gain .

                   Environmental factors contribute significantly to obesity in people . Life style changes that include eating larger portions of high-calorie food combined with less physical activity have become common in much of the industrialized world .

                  A well-balanced diet should supply calories to maintain a healthy body weight . However, in the US and most industrial nations the amount of food available is usually more than necessary . The wide variety of available foods leads people to consume more calories than needed . In addition , high-calorie snack foods have replaced more nutritious fruits and vegetables in most American diets . Whites in US who eat fast food twice or more a week have a 50% greater risk of obesity than do those who eat this way once or less . Their risk of abnormal glucose control – an inability to break down sugar efficiently that of ten foreshadows diabetes is double .

                   Physical inactivity is an important cause of obesity . Much of this inactivity is related to a modern life style . Many people in industrialized countries have sedentary jobs which involve sitting or standing still . People who engage in social and leisure activities that burn few calories . Such activities include watching television , playing video games , using computers and travelling short distances by automobile instead of walking or bicycling.

Whites in US who eat fast food more than twice a week and also spend at least 2 ½ hours a day watching television have triple the risk of both obesity and abnormal glucose control , compared to those who eat out once or less , watch no more than an hour and a half of TV .

                      Obesity impairs the function of many organ systems in the body such as the circulatory system . The risk of serious medical conditions increases with higher BMI values . In addition , obesity reduces quality of life , complicates recovery from surgery and causes premature death . There  is also discrimination against obese people . Obese people often have less social success than thinner people and find it harder to get jobs .


52-] Road Accidents .

                        One of the detrimental and chronic problems of modern civilization has been road accidents . Millions of vehicles move along the roads around the clock throughout the whole world . Hence , road accidents have been rising not falling . Global studies show that in 2002 road traffic deaths were eighth on the list of all causes of death globally and that by 2020 road traffic deaths will be third on that list .

                     Apart from the humanitarian aspect of reducing road deaths and injuries in developing countries , a strong case can be made for reducing road crash deaths on economic grounds alone as they consume massive financial resources that the countries can not afford to lose . A study  conducted almost a quarter of a century ago [ Fouracre and Jacobs , 1977 ] estimated road crashes to cost an average 1 per cent of a country’s gross national product [ GNP ]. Many countries have used this figure and international aid agencies to estimate the scale of costs incurred by road crashes but as countries have developed a higher figure ranges from 1 to 3 per cent has been suggested by the World Band and others for road crash costs .The valuation of injury crashes is limited to those reported to the police . A crude estimate of global and regional costs assumes that the annual cost of road crashes is about 1 % in developing countries , 1.5 % in transitional countries and 2% in highly motorized countries . Overall , it appears that in most countries costs exceed 1 % of GNP that may now be considered to be an under-estimate of national accident costs .

                        The traffic on Egypt’s roads has been growing steadily at an average rate of 3 % every year for the last 20 years and today there are more than 3.4 million vehicles on Egypt’s roads and the number is rising every year . A recent report of the Transportation Ministry estimates some 6.000 Egyptians die in road accidents every year . Egypt had one of the highest traffic accident rates in the world . More than 70 % of these fatalities were associated with poor driving habits and bad behavior on the roads while a further 22 % were due to faulty vehicles and poor maintenance . The statistics in 2004 show that traffic accidents in Egypt cause 10.5 deaths per 100.000 people per year . Traffic police statistics showed that an estimated 8000 people were killed and 320.000 injured in road accidents in Egypt in 2003 .

                      The latest figures also show that 15 % of all hospital beds in Egypt are occupied by people who have been injured in road traffic accidents and road traffic accidents are now the most frequent cause of admission to hospital in Egypt for people aged between 15 to 40 years . Young male adults are three times more likely to be involved in road traffic accidents than young female adults .

While statistics show that poor driving habits and bad behavior on the road in general are the main causes of death on Egypt’s roads , more particular causes of deaths and injury on the roads of Egypt are disregard of road warning signs and signals ; changing lanes without due care , dangerous overtaking , poor maintenance of vehicles , driving too close to the vehicle in front , fatigue , distractions while driving and speeding .

                    It is estimated that the cost of road traffic accidents to the Egyptian economy is an excess of three billion Egyptian pounds every year , which represents between 2-3 % of the country’s Gross National  Product[ GNP ] .
                    Facing these facts and the knowledge that road traffic accidents are the second major cause of death in Egypt , second only to heart disease , calls for a response to the urgent need for more safety – conscious drivers , better driving behavior and improved motoring habits have to be actions on the road to reduce traffic accidents and save the lives of people .

Composition & Essay Writing [ 41 ]

41- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

49-] Cloning .

                      The cloning of a female sheep in Scotland has stunned the world because it raised the possibility that humans may be cloned in the future . The sheep named Dolly was cloned by a scientific team from the Raslin Institute in Edinburgh who took a cell from a six-year old ewe’s udder , put it into an unfertilized egg from which the DNA had fertilized egg from which the DAA had been emptied and adding thus a full dose of genes from a single mature cell . An electricity sparks started the egg dividing , resulting in embryos which were transplanted in the womb of the surrogate mother sheep . Ian Wilmut , the embryologist who led the team , said that although cloning humans may become possible in the future “ all of us would find that offensive . “

                    The breakthrough technology is compared in the West to the discovery of nuclear energy . Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud did not object to the cloning of animals , Indeed , he said it could be beneficial by increasing the food supply and producing biopharmaceuticals .

                    Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin – an Islamic scholar said “ cloning humans would amount to tampering with nature that would result in tyranny . It would abolish the individuality of human beings and abort the natural integration of males and females .”

                    Yousef El-Badri , a Muslim preacher said “ Cloning humans will cause chaos and all kinds of crimes will be committed and nobody will know who is responsible . “

                    Fahmi Howeidy – an Islamic thinker said “ What is controversial here has to do with ethics not religion . There have to be guarantees and a measure of control since without them , this breakthrough could turn into a nightmare . “

                    Father Yohanna Kolta of the Coptic Catholic Church said “ the breakthrough should be respected as a scientific achievement “ and added that “ there are ethical principles that should be over-stepped . The Church rejects science that is divorced from ethics and it refuses to have human beings treated like guinea pigs . “

                     Dr. Mustafa El Awadi , a professor of molecular genetics said “ it is hard to control people . If the cloning of humans can be done , it will be done . But it should not be done , or chaos will prevail . Dr. Said Thabet , a gynecologist said that "this would be tampering with the human species ." 

                       Dr. Mohamad Abul-Ghar , a professor of gynecology at Cairo University , predicted that next step in the West will be that individuals will clone themselves to have spare parts of body organs in store . “ Humans may be able to freeze their duplicate and then take from them any part of the body which they need to replace .It could lead to a myriad of new ways to help humans . Herds of transgenic animals could be raised for proteins , blood and organs . “ he explained .

                       President Clinton told a panel of bioethics experts to report back to him in 90 days on the ethical and legal implications of the Edinburgh work . Clinton also said that no government funds would be made available for research on human cloning and urged scientists to impose a voluntary moratorium on work in the field .

                     The British government is cutting all funding on the research project that produced the first cloned mammal . The Ministry of Agriculture said the institute had been informed that its 252.000 pound grant from the ministry will be behaved in April 1997 and cut entirely by April 1998 .

                     The Washington Post reported that scientists from the state of Oregon used a similar technique to produce monkeys from cloned embryos , the first time a species so closely related to humans has been cloned . The Post cited experts as saying the Oregon success adds to a growing body of evidence that there no unsurmountable biological barriers to creating multiple copies of human beings .


50-] The Egyptian Pyramids .

                         The Egyptian pyramids were funerary monuments built for the pharaohs and their closest relatives . Most date from the Old Kingdom

[ 2686 – 2181 BC ] and are found on the west bank of the Nile , in a region approximately 100 km long and situated south of the delta between Hawara and AbuRuwash .

                        The first pyramid was built by Imhotep – a great architect and statesman for king Zoser about2650 BC . Zoser’s tomb rose in a series of giant steps or terraces and is called the Step Pyramid . This pyramid still stands at the site of the ancient Memphis near Saqqarah . Pyramids developed from the Mastaba , a low rectangular stone structure erected over a tomb . The oldest pyramid known , the Step Pyramid of King Zoser at Saqqara [ c, 2650 BC ] has a large mastaba as its nucleus and consists of six terraces of diminishing sizes , one built upon the other . It was surrounded by an elaborate complex of buildings , now partially restored whose function related to the cult of the dead .

                       The next phase of development is represented by the 3 meter-high pyramid at Maydum , built at the order of Snefru , founder of the 4th dynasty [ 2613 – 2498 BC ] . This first smooth-sided pyramid was built about 2600 BC . It is still stands at Maydum . It began as a stepped pyramid and then the steps were filled in with casing stones to give the building smooth , sloping sides . Other pyramids built during a period of Egyptian history called the Old Kingdom [ 2686 – 2181 BC ] , can be seen at Abusir and Dahshur . The pyramid at Dahsgur was also built by Snefru . During the Middle Kingdom [ 1991 – 1786 BC ] , pyramids were built at Huwara , Illahun , Lisht and Dahshur near what is now Cairo . The remains of these pyramids are still impressive .

                        The ruins of 35 major pyramids still stand near the River Nile in Egypt . Each was built to protect the body of an Egyptian king . The Egyptians thought that a person’s body had to be preserved and protected so the soul could live forever . The Egyptians mummified [ embalmed ] their dead and hid the mummies in large tombs . From about 2700 t0 1700 BC , the bodies of Egyptian kings were buried inside or beneath a pyramid in a secret chamber that was filled with treasures of gold and precious objects .

                      Many scholars believe that the pyramid shape has a religious meaning to the Egyptians . The sloping sides may have reminded the Egyptians of the slanting rays of the sun , by which the soul of the king could climb to the sky and join the gods .

                     Funeral ceremonies were performed in temples that were attached to the pyramids . Most pyramids had two temples that were connected by a long stone passage way . Sometimes a smaller pyramid for the body of the queen stood next to the king’s pyramid . Egypt has at least 40 smaller pyramids that were used for queens or as memorial monuments for kings . The king’s relatives and officials were buried in smaller rectangular tombs called mastabas . These buildings had sloping sides and flat roofs .

                    The Pyramids of Giza stand on the west bank of the River Nile outside Cairo . There are ten pyramids at Giza including three of the largest and best , preserved of all Egyptian pyramids . They were built for kings about 2600 to 250 BC . The largest was built for King Khufu [ called Cheops by the Geeks ] . The second was built for King Khafre [ Chephren ] and the third for King Menkaure [ Mycerinus ] . A huge statue of a sphinx called the Great Sphinx was probably built for Khafre . It stands near his pyramid .

                    The pyramid of Khufu , called the Great Pyramid contains more than 2 million stone blocks that average 2½ short tons [ 2.3 metric tons ] each . It was originally 481 feet [ 147 meters ] tall , but some of its upper stones are gone now and it stands about 450 feet [ 140 meters ] high . Its base covers about 13 acres [ 5 hecters ] .

                   A study of the great Pyramid shows how these gigantic structures were built . The ancient Egyptians had no machinery or iron tools . They cut big limestone blocks with copper chisels and saws . Most of the stones came from quarries nearby . But some came from across the River Nile and others came by boat from distant quarries . Gangs of men dragged the blocks to the pyramid site and pushed the first layer of stones into place . Then they built long ramps of earth and brick and dragged the stones up the ramps to form the next layer . As they finished each layer they raised and lengthened the ramps . Finally , they covered the pyramids with an outer coating of white casing stones . They laid these outer stones so exactly that from a distance the pyramid appeared to have been cut out of a single white stone . Most of the casing stones are gone now , but a few are still in place at the bottom of the Great Pyramid . No one knows how long it took  to build the Great Pyramid . The ancient Greek historian Herodotus said that the work went on in four-month shifts with 100.000 workers in each shift . Scholars now doubt that account and believe that 100.000 men worked on the pyramids for three or four months , each year . Farm laborers built the pyramids . They worked on the tombs during periods when flood waters of the Nile covered the fields and made farming impossible .

                       Thieves broke into most of the pyramids , stole the gold and sometimes destroyed the bodies . Later Egyptian kings stopped using pyramids and built secret tombs in cliffs . But some kings of the Kushite Kingdom in Nubia , south of Egypt , built pyramids long after they were no longer used in Egypt .

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 40 ]

40- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

47-] Money In Our Life .

                        What were you taught about money as you were growing up ?something like

 “ money does not grow on trees “ or “ money is the root of all evil “ or may be" all rich people    are greedy “ and also I believe that we must say “ the too much love of money is the root of all evil".  Money is a tool at our hands . Fools work for money wise men make money work for them .

                             Money can buy books but not knowledge . Money can buy medicine but not health . Money can buy a house or a palace but not a home, money can buy relationship but not love etc. – meaning money has limited application . In spite of this we must remember that no knowledge without books that money can buy , no cure without medicine that money can buy ,     no settlement or stable living without a house that money can buy and we can not have a good relationship without contact with others and that contact needs means such as help , presents , visits – all need money . So money can not be ignored .

               We need money for our survival . All of us work hard for earning money and leading a happy life . You need money for a happy life too . You need it for building a home , for giving quality education to your children ,for purchasing jewels or new clothes for you wife etc. If you    do not have enough money ,your married life will soon be miserable .Even your wife and     children may hate you , if they do not get what they want in their life .

                     In fact money is good . You can help people with money .You can stimulate the economy with money . Even the most kind-hearted spiritual person who says that he or she does not need money , can do more to make the world better with money than without it . Sure there must be some rich people in the world who are greedy . But there are also poor people who are greedy . There are both rich and poor people who are very giving and generous as well . The amount of money you have has nothing to do with these character traits .

                    The world needs to be a balance of give and take . One must make money so that people with money can not exploit you . One must make money to the extent that leaves you   happy , contented and peaceful without getting greedy . If you have excess it should help the    poor and needy . Money is the sixth sense without which all other five senses are useless .


48-]The Benefits Of Money .

                        The history of money spans thousands of years . Numismatics is the scientific study of money and its history in all its varied forms . Many items have been used as commodity money such as naturally scarce precious metals ,conch shells , barely , beads etc. as well as many other things that are thought of as having value . Modern money [ and most ancient money ] is essentially a token –in other words an abstraction . Paper currency is perhaps the most common type of physical money today .

                       Before the invention of money , barter was the primary medium of exchange . The exchange of goods for other goods . The capacity to carry out transactions was severely limited since it depended on a coincidence of wants . The seller of food grain had to find a buyer who wanted to buy grain and who also could offer in return something the seller wanted to buy .    There was no common medium of exchange into which both seller and buyer could convert their tradable commodities . There was no standard which could be applied to measure the relative value of various goods and services .

                      Many cultures around the world eventually developed the use of commodity money . In ancient China and Africa , cowrie shells were used. From early times metals where available have usually been favored for use as proto-money over such commodities as cattle , cowrie shells or salt because they are at once durable , portable and easily divisible . The use of gold as proto-money has been traced back to the fourth millennium BC when the ancient Egyptians used gold bars of a set weight as a medium of exchange as the Sumerians had done somewhat earlier with silver bars . The first stamped money was introduced about 650 BC in Lydia .

                   The introduction of metal coins marked a step or bridge in the evolution from usable commodities to symbolic forms of money . The adoption of representative money represented a significant evolution in human consciousness . It directly led to the creation of a new social organization banking . During the reign of the Ptolemies around 330 BC grains were deposited    in  "banks" for safe keeping and the Egyptian farmers received warehouse receipts which were accepted as a form of symbolic money because they were fully backed by the grains in the warehouse .

                     In the 600s AD there were local issues of paper currency in China . From the ninth century to the 15th century AD in China the first actual paper currency was used as money . By 960 the Song Dynasty issued the first generally circulating notes . Paper money was introduced  into Europe from China and it took three centuries before it was considered common .

                   Every country in the world has its local currency with certain value . Now people use credit cards especially in big deals instead of money and also cheques for their financial transactions . Digital cash in the form of bits and bytes will most likely become an important new currency of the future .


Composition & Essay Writing [ 39 ]

39- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

45-] Friendship .

                          Friendship is defined in million ways . Friendship is a relationship that has many dimensions and styles . Friendship can be between any two or more persons and there is     no compulsion of age , gender , geography , race , creed or nationality . People living in a house    or living in this world are equally to prone to this relationship of friendship . Friendship has no boundaries and no limits . True friendship is like sound health , the value of it is seldom known until it be lost . Who finds a faithful friend , finds a treasure .

                        There are many valuable things in life but friendship may be one of the most important . To lead life without the experience of friendship is life without living . Human interaction is a necessity to survival , but developed friendships are essential to the successful     well being of anyone .

                        Many people look for different characteristics in friends , things that may be common in nature . Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty . The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend .Friendship doubles your joys and divides your     sorrows . A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out . My personal definition of a friend is someone who is always looking out for me and will help me if I am in trouble . A friend has to be someone I trust and who trusts me in return . Another important characteristic in a friend is someone who I can talk to and make me laugh . One of the most important traits of a friend is someone who will help you if you need help . A strong friendship  also depends on mutual trust . If you do not trust each other , then it is impossible to establish a strong relationship .


46-] The Benefits of Cooperation .

                          Cooperation is conductive to better health and liking one another . It makes work easier and life better . How about family members deciding together who does which household chores ? What about businesses sharing information and resources ? Just imagine the global benefits of nations working together and negotiating , so every one wins ! Cooperative concepts are beneficial in school , work , play challenge , discovery and success are shared . Emphasis is on participation , acceptance and the joy of play . The team sports like football , volleyball and basketball , all the members of the team must be cooperative or play cooperatively . Selfishness makes it difficult to share our skills , experiences and resources because each person is separately involved in his or her exclusive goal .

                       In our school and work places , students and employees are often taught to regard each other as potential collaborators not as opponents , rivals and obstacles to their own success . In cooperative settings every person’s role is important and valued . Individuality is respected and concern for the needs of others fostered . The challenge shifts from striving to be number one to working toward a mutual goal . The idea that we all share in decision making is a powerful tool . In work or play people really want and need to feel safe , be open and honest and above all feel trusted . Cooperative situations help create that atmosphere because participants give encouragement and support of one another .

                       Cooperativeness has been linked to greater learning , emotional maturity and strong personal identity . Participants often become more flexible in their thinking and willingness to invent creative solutions . The result is enjoyment , personal confidence and a feeling of self-worth . Cooperative activities are non-threatening and non-judgmental . As a result this creates an atmosphere for relaxation and well-being – the foundation for more genuine , healthy and playful fun .

                     There is an idea extremely common among social contract theorists that the primary function of social institutions is to secure some form of cooperative benefit . It is useful when trying to conceptualize the benefits of cooperation to imagine a state of society in which there is a complete absence of cooperation . The most obvious form of cooperation arises because of the simple fact that not all jobs can be done by one person . God organizes things in such a way that people can do better working together than they can working individually . Individuals may be able to achieve benefits by rearranging the distribution of goods or tasks among themselves . This is what motivates various forms of exchange . Gains from trade can be achieved because individuals have different needs , tastes and abilities . So it will be advantageous to have a division of labour . Some people are better at certain types of work and others are better at other types . Therefore , there must be cooperation among people as they depend on each others so that life can continue on Earth .


Composition & Essay Writing [ 38 ]

38- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

43-] The Importance Of Trade .

                       Trade is vital to the success of a civilization . The civilization that can produce just enough of everything it and its people need to survive . Trade is simply the trading of something for something else . This can be goods for another goods , goods for money ,goods for services , services for goods , money for services etc. .Trade is an exchange of things . Usually people or civilizations trade things that they have too much of for things that they do not have enough of . This is the classical definition of trade .

                  Civilizations of yesterday and today have thrived because they were able to work out agreements to get what they did not have from other people and give what they had to other  people , often at the same time . In this way if your civilization plants a lot of grain but not so  much rice and your people like to eat both , you can give some grain to the rice growers and get some rice from them and eat both .This is true for other goods besides food such as machinery ,   oil , cars and electronics . Nearly every single day , trade keeps civilizations prospering . Planes land and take off , ships dock and leave port , trucks unload and load again all bringing goods  from one people to another and taking other goods to other people .

                      Capitalist economic theory holds that a completely liberalized global market is the most efficient way to foster growth because each country specializes in producing the goods and services in which it has a comparative advantage . Yet in practice cutting trade barriers and opening markets do not necessarily generate development. Rich countries and large corporations dominate the global marketplace and create very unequal relations of power and information .     As a result trade is inherently unequal and poor countries seldom experience rising well-being   but increasing unemployment , poverty and income inequality . An additional problem is that   free trade is not equally free .Agricultural subsidies and other trade barriers in US and the EU   prevent poor countries from gaining access to the most important markets .

                  Fair Trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers as well as social and environmental standards in areas related to the production   of  a variety of goods .It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries most notably handicrafts ,coffee , coca ,sugar , tea ,bananas , honey , cotton ,fresh fruit , chocolate and flowers . Fair trade’s strategic intent is to work with marginalized producers and workers in order to help them move towards economic self-sufficiency and stability .It also aims   to allow them to become greater stakeholders in their own organizations as well as play a wider role in international trade .Fair trade proponents include a number of international development aid , social , religious and environmental organizations . In June 2008 , it was estimated that over 7.5 million producers and their families were benefiting from fair trade .Fair Trade Organizations backed by consumers are engaged actively in supporting  producers awareness raising in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade .


44-] Democracy .

                        Democracy was defined by Abraham Lincoln as the government of  the people for the people and by the people . It is a system that is the most acceptable . Every single individual in the country is a part of the process of governing the legislature is elected by the people . The executive selected from the legislature runs the country for the people . If it is corrupt or failing in this duty , it will not be re-elected the next time .

                       Democracy is better than other forms of government . Other forms of government are monarchy and dictatorship of an individual of a foreign imperialist government of a military or of a political party . In both monarchy and dictatorship the ruler individual or group wields absolute power and people have no remedy against its misuse . Absolute power corrupts absolutely . There is no individual freedom of speech or expression .

                    Democracy is a form of government in which the right to govern is held by the majority of citizens within a country or a state . Even though there is no universally accepted definition of democracy – there are two principles that any definition of democracy includes . The first principle is that all members of the society [ citizens ] have equal access to power and the second that all members [ citizens ] enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties .

                   However , if any democracy is not carefully legislated to avoid an uneven distribution of political power with balances , such as the separation of powers , then a branch of the system of rule could accumulate power and become harmful to democracy itself . The majority rule is often described as a characteristic feature of democracy , but without responsible government it is possible for the rights of a minority to be abused by the tyranny of the majority . An essential process in representative democracies is competitive elections that are fair both substantively and procedurally . Furthermore , freedom of political expression , freedom of speech and freedom of the press are essential so that citizens are informed and able to vote in their personal interests .

                   The most important attribute of democracy is that everyone is treated equally before the law , irrespective of caste , creed or sex . Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech , worship , occupation and to move through out the country . The dignity of man is recognized and respected . People are given ample opportunities to become strong and self reliant . For this and many other reasons democracy is more advantage than other forms of government and best reflects the will of the people in the governance of the country .

                      If democracy is to be effective the people have to be alert . They must continuously keep track of the activities of those to whom they have entrusted the reins of government . They must raise their voice against injustice and atrocities . Democracy gives them this height and opportunity .But most important they must perform their functions as citizens faithfully and to the best of their abilities . If an individual is corrupt he/ she can not be accept those in power to be free from corruption .

                     According to Islam it is the community as a whole not one person that owns and exercises power . The Holy Quran describes Muslim society as one in which individuals manage their affairs through consultation or “ Shura “ which represents the kind of direct democracy in which all people participate in meetings held to discuss community affairs . Direct democracy takes place when members of a group each representing himself or herself come together to exchange views and arrive at decisions reached by the majority and applied by all . Members of the opposition have complete freedom to say and do as they please . Muslims are urged to practice “ Shura “ in their daily work and family lives . It is like every ritual commandment , a personal duty which no one can perform on behalf of another . So , democracy in Islam is considered a ritual commandment . Islamic democracy “Shura “ entails accountability – the executives who rule the society are accountable before it – they are called “ Olo Al Amr “ meaning “ those of the affairs “ . In brief the right democracy with all aspects of rights and duties is the most adequate system to rule a country or a state .


Composition & Essay Writing . [ 37 ]

37- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

41-] Computers .

                    Computers are extremely important in the modern world of today . In the fast moving life of the modern world of today , computers hold tremendous significance . Many of us will feel crippled without a computer as we have got so used to this machine . The importance of computer can not be denied in the corporate or business world , at the work place and even in one’s personal life .

                    In the modern work place , pen and paper are becoming extinct . It will not be long before pen and paper stop to exist altogether . Children today are forgetting how to write and many blame their awful handwriting on this machine which has taught everyone to type at speed .

                    Computer has become an important tool for keeping databases , filing systems and track records . It has made data analysis extremely easy and it can be done at a single click of the mouse . Computers save storage place . Data stored on just one CD in paper would use room of dozens square meters and would weigh thousands of kilos . Computers can calculate and process information faster and more accurate than humans . Computers improve our lives . We do not worry about making mistakes in typewriting .

                    Computers also serve as useful tools for communication . Normal post is now commonly referred to as snail mail as the most faster email has replaced it . We can communicate with the whole world very fast and cheap using the internet . Computers are a means of entertainment . We can watch videos , listen to music or something else , and play video games everywhere , anytime by using laptops or palm tops .

                   Computers not only are used in science and industry , they are also used in many other fields , especially flying , shipping , navigation and space travel . Thanks to them modern medicine can diagnose diseases faster and more thoroughly . Also , in banking system computers have become irreplaceable . They control ATMs – all data is stored on special hard disks and paper is not used in accountancy any more . Furthermore , architects , designers and engineers can not imagine their work without computers . These machines are nearly everywhere and we depend on them also in such fields as criminology . They help police to solve crimes and collect evidence . Moreover , computers are wide-spread in education . They have become so popular that not knowing how to use them means to be illiterate .

                     There is also a dark side of computer technology because every invention brings us not only benefits but also threats . Computers are dangerous to our health . The monitors used to be dangerous for our eyesight . Nowadays due to technological development , they are very safe . But there are other threats to our health than damaging our sight . Working with computers and permanent looking on the monitor can cause epilepsy , especially with children . Parents very often do not draw enough attention to how long their children use computer . The main threat to our data is computer viruses . There are billions of them and every day new ones come into being . If you have the internet connection you have to be particularly careful and download anti-virus programs and you have to remember to download updates . The main threat to younger users of computer is violence and sex through internet pornography and bloody games . The presence of sexual content or level of violence should be properly marked and parents are obliged to draw attention to this issue . There are many extremely bloody games such as “ grand theft auto" ,  "quake" , hangman etc. The availability of sexual content is enormous and you can do partially nothing to protect your child . The other threat is that you can be a computer addict by spending most of your free time using computer . But the truth is that computers will rule the world sooner or later .


42-] Mobile Phones .

                        Mobile phones benefit their users in several ways such as  1-] Emergency use . People can immediately call for help in the event of sickness , injury and accidents . 2-] Social use . People use mobile phones to stay connected to family and friends . 3-] Economic benefits . People use mobile phones to monitor market prices , sell and exchange goods and coordinate trade . 4-] Entertainment . People use mobile phones to listen to the radio , watch TV and take photos and as video . They can use them to log on the internet .

                      Are mobile phones harmful to our health ? There has been an ongong debated over this question since the first analogue mobiles appeared in 1980s . It is an important question given that worldwide about 1.5 billion people use one and the number is increasing . If they are harmful , the health of  very large populations could be at risk .

                    We know that mobile phones emit radio frequency radiation from the handset and that these low-energy electro magnetic waves travel into the head .But do they cause injury to living tissue , possibly triggering a brain tumor or other disease ? There has not been much research into the effect of the radiation especially over the long term . The technology of mobile phones keep changing . It is evolving faster than scientists can do trials to monitor safely and many brain conditions such as brain tumors take years to develop .

                        Should you throw your mobile phone out ? Not necessarily as the medical findings have to be repeated by other studies to be of much significance . There are health benefits of using mobile phones to be taken into account . A significant percentage of mobile phone owners have used them to call ambulance or get help in an emergency situation . It drastically cuts the time between reporting a medical emergency and help arrival . The medical studies probably are not a reason to discard your phone just yet . They support taking some basic precautions especially if you use your mobile a lot . So if it is possible use a land liner , use text messages rather than voice and for voice calls on a mobile use headset . If you have children think twice about giving them a mobile phone although there is no direct evidence the phones harm children any more than adults . But some experts argue children’s developing brains are more susceptible to damage . Whatever is said mobile phones have become indispensable for our daily life. So they must be used but not unnecessarily  .

Composition & Essay Writing [ 36 ]

36- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

39-] Advertising .

                Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase more of a particular brand of product or service . Advertising has been more than a marginal influence on patterns of sales and production .

              Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of products and services through the creation and reinvention of the brand image . For these purposes of advertisement sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information . Every major medium is used to deliver these messages including television , radio , cinema , magazines , newspapers , video games , the internet , carrier bags and billboards . Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf  of a company or other organization .

                 One way to measure advertising effectiveness is known as Ad Tracking . This advertising research methodology measures shifts in target market perceptions about the brand and product or service . These shifts in perception are plotted against the consumers’ levels of exposure to the company’s advertisements and promotions . The purpose is generally to provide a measure of the combined effect of the media weight or spending level , the effectiveness of the media buy or targeting and the quality of the advertising executions or creative .

                   Money spent on advertising has increased rapidly in recent years.  In 2007 spending on advertising was estimated over $ 150 billion in the US and $ 385 billion worldwide and the latter exceeded $ 450 billion in 2010 .

                  While advertising can be seen as necessary foe economic growth , it is not without social costs . Advertising often uses stereotype gender specific roles of men and women , reinforcing existing cliches and it has been criticized as inadvertently or even intentionally promoting  sexism , racism and ageism . Activities are depicted as typical male or female  stereotyping . In addition , people are reduced to their sexuality or equated with commodities and gender specific qualities are exaggerated . Sexualized female bodies but increasingly also male serve as eye catchers . A great part of advertising is the promotion of products dealing with the appearance of people mainly for women . Thus , the media put girls and women under high pressure to compare themselves with a propagated ideal beauty . Consequences of this are eating disorders , self-mutilations , beauty operations etc. The EU parliament passed a resolution in 2008 that advertising may not be discriminating and degrading .

                   Mass media are used not only to sell goods but also ideas : how we should behave , what rules  are important , who we should respect and what we should value . Youth is increasingly reduced to the role of a consumer . Key advertising messages exploit the emerging independence of young people .Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces such as schools which some critics argue is a form of child exploitation . Cigarettes for example , are used as a fashion accessory and appeal to young women . Children’s books feature branded items and characters and millions of them have snack foods as lead characters . Business is interested in children and adolescents because of their power and influence on the shopping habits of their parents . The greatest damage done by advertising is precisely that it incessantly demonstrates the prostitution of men and women who lend their intellects , their voices , their artistic skills to purposes in which they themselves do not believe and that it helps to shatter and ultimately destroy our most precious non-material possessions , the confidence in the existence of meaningful purposes of human activity and respect for the integrity of man .

                There have been increasing efforts to protect the public interest by regulating the content and influence of advertising . Some examples are the ban on television tobacco advertising imposed in many countries and the total ban of advertising to children under 12 imposed by the Swedish government in 1991 . In mzany countries advertising agencies , advertisers and the media agree on a code of advertising standards that they attempt to uphold . The general aims of such codes is to ensure that any advertising is legal , decent m honest and truthful .

40-] Television .

                     Television permits us to reach large numbers of people or a national or regional level in a short period of time . Television being an image-building visual medium , it offers the ability to convey your message with sight , sound and motion ,

                    Television has been an important form of communication for many years . Television also brings important historical events , both positive and negative directly into our homes . People do not just read about current events they experience them in real time or alive .

                   Television can also be a fine teaching tool – there are many television shows on the air that are informative and educational . The right television shows can teach our children about morals and values as well as right from wrong . Many educational television channels are not only for children but they serve as learning tools for adults . In fact many colleges and universities use local channels to provide distance learners the opportunity to attend lectures given on television .

                    Many educational , scientific , historical , political , sportive etc. programs , films , series and plays that are shown on TV are very interesting , amusing and informative . We are taken to any corner of the world where any game or event of our interest is being televised alive . We are taught how a particular dish is cooked , how a particular disease can be prevented or cured , how our houses can be decorated without money . It is also a good source of entertainment which is very cheap and within the access of every one .

                  Along with these advantages , there are also disadvantages of television . Children are exposed to more inappropriate content than ever before . They can have access to movies and programs intended to be viewed only by mature people . Watching television too much also affects eyes and nerves . Several irresponsible television channels show contents of sex and violence . Television creates such a spell on children and in some cases affects the elders that they actually lose their own opinion and feel whatever is being shown on television is correct . In such situation it is the responsibility of the broadcaster to show what is safe to be shown on television .

                    Television is spoiling the new generation by the help of vulgar media . We should keep children away from bad channels . Nowadays media are ameliorating on a fast pace . We are unable to discriminate between good and bad . It is easy to avoid disadvantages of television by highlighting its plus points but it is up to us that how we kill the bad effect of television on society .


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...