Grammar American & British

Showing posts with label Conversation and Dialogues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conversation and Dialogues. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 26 ]

26- ] Conversation & Dialogue 
Getting Things Repaired .

Customer : Hello , car-repair garage ?Yes , my name’s Nour Salem . That’s right . When will my car be ready , please ? Ah , I see . Yes . Problems . A lot of problems . Yes , I understand . OK , thank you . Goodbye .  ( He puts down the telephone )
Wife : When will the car be ready ?
Husband : Well . By Thursday ?
Wife : Not till Thursday ?
Husband : That’s all right . We’re going on holiday till Friday .
Wife : Yes , that’s true . So it’ll be ready in three days’ time .
Husband : Well , no . Not in three days’ time , exactly . In two weeks’ time . It’ll be ready by Thursday , the twenty second .
Wife : Oh , no !

Bridegroom : We’ve got to look after each other now .
Bride : Love , honor and obey each other .
Bridegroom : O.K. Look out while I slam the door of the car .
Parent : Goodbye you two . Have a marvelous time .
Best Man : Cheerio , folks ! Sorry I made such a mess of my speech .
Bridegroom : Nonsense – it was very funny . You had everyone rolling under the table .
Parent : Where are you two going for your honeymoon ? The Cot d’Azur ?
Best Man : It doesn’t matter where you go , when you’re on a honeymoon .
Bridegroom : Well , we’re off . Goodbye .
Parent : Goodbye , my darlings .Ah ! You know I’ve never seen so many people – both families got on so well with each other – and all our friends .
Bridegroom : They’ve more in common than we realized .
[ There’s a strange sound coming of the car . ]
Bride : Darling , why are you slowing down ?
Bridegroom : I don’t know . Something’s wrong with the car . It was fine up to two minutes ago .
Bride : What’s wrong ?
Bridegroom : I don’t know . I just can’t get it to start .
Bride : Oh , it doesn’t matter , darling . Look – there’s a sign . Er ! Service station 200 yards . Can you drive that far ?
Bridegroom : I don’t think so . You’d better get out and push .
Bride : Oh , O.K.
Bridegroom : Is It O.K. now ?
Mechanic : Ah ! It should be . Your battery was flat . It needed recharging .
Bridegroom : What ? But that takes ages .
Mechanic : Oh ! I’ve put in another one . Hope that’s O.K.
Bride : You let us have a spare one ?
Mechanic : You can pick yours up on the way back .
Bride : Oh good .
Mechanic : The spare’s a bit old but it’ll do . It’s just been recharged . Anyway . I’ve put it in for you .
Bridegroom : But how much do I owe you ?
Mechanic : Well ….since you’ve just married ……nothing .
Bridegroom : Oh , we couldn’t
Bride : Of course we could , it’s a lovely thought .
Bridegroom : Well thank you very much .
Bride : Um ! How did you know ?
Mechanic : Know what ?
Bride : That we’re just married ?
Mechanic : Ha , ha ! It’s pretty obvious , isn’t it ? Ha , ha !

Wife : What’s that ?
Husband : That’s what the sign means : “Road Works Ahead . Diversion .” We’ll have to go back .
Wife : There you are – The town is straight on . Get in lane .”
Husband : I thought we’d never find the way .
Wife : I’m glad we’re out of that town .
Husband : Driving along quietly . On our way home .
Wife : Home ? We’re only going back to that town .
Husband : Well , you know what I mean .
Wife : No . Hey , what’s happening ?
[ She hears a sound coming of the motor ]
Husband : The car’s stopping !
Wife : Oh , there’s a garage ! Try and get over there .
Mechanic : Hello !
Husband : My car has broken down .
Mechanic : Has it ? Is it serious ?
Husband : I don’t know . But I think there’s something wrong with the carburetor .
Mechanic : Oh , dear ! That’s serious .
Wife : Is it ?
Mechanic : Oh , yes . Very serious .
Wife : It only needs adjusting .
Mechanic : No , it’s more than that .
Wife : How do you know ? You haven’t looked at it .
Mechanic : I’m a mechanic .
Husband : But won’t you look at it ?
Mechanic : Well , all right .You see . Very serious .
Husband : How long will it take ?
Mechanic : Oh , I don’t know , I can’t tell you that .
Wife : Can you repair it so that we can get back to the town ?
Mechanic : I don’t know . It’s serious . Very serious indeed .

Conversation & Dialogue [ 25 ]

25- ] Conversation & Dialogue 

Wife : Be careful !
Husband : What ?
Wife : Don’t touch it . It’s dangerous .
Husband : Don’t worry . It’s quite safe .
Wife : Look out !
Husband : Aah !
Advice .

Woman : I feel very tired these days .
Friend : Well , you shouldn’t go to bed so late .
Woman : Oh! No . I’m also getting a little ……
Friend : Fat .
Woman : Well , yes .
Friend : That’s easy . You shouldn’t eat so much .
Woman : No , I get headaches in the evening .
Friend : You shouldn’t watch so much television .
Woman : Well , no .
Friend : I’ve got to go now .
Woman : But what about me ? I feel ill .
Friend : You should see a doctor .
Woman : But you’re the doctor !
Friend : Me ? No , I’m just a nurse .
A Wife’s Complaint .

Wife : When I was married I used to cook all the time . I used to clean the flat , and I used to wash clothes . Now I go out more . Visit old friends more .
Friend : But your husband used to help you in some ways .
Wife : Yes , he used to help me when He was at home . But he wasn’t at home very often . And I used to wait for him . When I was married , I used to be a very weak person .

Conversation & Dialogue [ 24 ]

24- ] Conversation & Dialogue 
My Favorite Sport .
popular sports

Customer : Are you interested in football ?
Assistant : Well , yes .
Customer : I am . Wonderful game , football .
Assistant : Yes . Now what shoes can I show you , sir ?
Customer : I like all sports and games .
Assistant : Oh , yes .
Customer : Yes . Football , cricket , swimming . Can you swim ?
Assistant : I’m not a good swimmer , but I go swimming sometimes .
Customer : Tennis . Thar’s a good game .
Assistant : Yes .
Customer : I’m very interested in tennis . I never miss Wimbledon , you know . I see it every year .
Interviewer : Thank you , thank you ladies and gentlemen . Tonight in the studio , we’ve got the strongest man in the world . Mr. Kazem Hider ! Good evening Kazem .
Kazem : Good evening .
Interviewer : Sit down . Oh . [ The chair crashes .]
Kazem : Yes , I’m very heavy . I usually sit on two strong chairs .
Interviewer : Two chairs ? O . K . Can we have two chairs , please ? ….There . Cigarette ?
Kazem : No , thanks .
Interviewer : You don’t smoke ?
Kazem :No , I don’t . I don’t smoke and I don’t drink .
Interviewer : Really ? You never smoke and you never drink .
Kazem : Well , I never drink alcohol . I always drink milk in the morning and I often drink tea .
Interviewer : You’re the strongest man in the world . What do you eat ? Do you eat any special food ?
Kazem : Well , I eat fruit . Apples , bananas ---
Interviewer : Yes , and how do you stay strong ?
Kazem : Well , I always go to bed early . Yes at nine o’clock . And I always get up early too .
My Favorite Hobby .

Mohsin : Hello , Sayed . What are you doing ?
Sayed : I’m making a bookcase . I like books . I like buying books . And I like reading them . But I don’t want to buy a bookcase .
Mohsin : Why not ?
Sayed : Bookcases are expensive , and I enjoy making things . So , I’m making a bookcase .
Mohsin : Well , I’m playing tennis this afternoon . Would you like to play ?
Sayed : No , thanks . Not this afternoon . It’s too cold . And I’m busy .
Spectator 1 : Who’s winning ? Ismael or Nader ?
Spectator 2 : Ismael’s winning . He usually wins . He’s good at tennis . Nader isn’t .
Spectator 1 : Where’s Hussein ?
Spectator 2 : He’s at home . He doesn’t like playing  tennis .
Spectator 1 : He enjoys watching tennis . He often comes here and watches .
Spectator 2 : And sometimes he plays too . He played against Karim last week .

Conversation & Dialogue [ 23 ]

23- ] Conversation & Dialogue 
The Favorite Job .

Assistant : I’d like to work in a hospital . I’d like to be a nurse .
Customer : A nurse ? I’m a nurse , sometimes .
Assistant : Or I’d like to work in an office . As a secretary .
Customer : I’m a secretary too – sometimes .
Assistant : I’d like to be a teacher . They have nice long holidays .
Customer : I’m a teacher ----Sometimes . But I don’t get long holidays .
Assistant : All those jobs at the same time ? Where do you work ?
Customer : At home . As a wife and mother .
Assistant : Oh , I see .

Hosam: Where do you work , Hashem ?
Hashem : I work for Thomas Cook Travel .
Hosam : Oh , really ? What do you do there ?
Hashem : I’m a guide . I take people on tours to countries in South America , like Peru.
Hosam : That sounds interesting !
Hashem : Yes , it’s a good job . I love it . And what do you do ?
Hosam : I’m a student , and I have a part-time job , too .
Hashem : Oh ? Where do you work ?
Hosam : In a fast-food restaurant .
Hashem : Which restaurant ?
Hosam : Cook Door .
Hafez : Any interesting jobs on the Internet today ?
Wael : Well , there are a lot of retail jobs --- selling clothes and stuff . But you have to work Fridays and Saturdays .
Hafez : Hmm . I hate working on weekends .
Wael : Hmm ….so do I . Oh , here’s a job in sales . It’s a job selling children’s books to bookstores .
Hafez : That sounds interesting .
Wael : Yeah . Let’s see . You need to have a driver’s license . And you have to work some evenings .
Hafez : I don’t mind working evenings during the week . And I enjoy driving . So , what’s the phone number .
Wael : It’s 2279834 .

Nabil : I don’t know what classes to take this semester . I can’t decide what I want to do with my life . Have you thought about it ?
Raheem : Yes , I have . I think I’d make a good journalist because I love writing .
Nabil : Maybe I could be a teacher because I’m very creative . And I like working with kids .
Raheem : Oh , I wouldn’t want to be a teacher . I’m too impatient .
Nabil : I know one thing I could never do .
Raheem : What’s that ?
Nabil : I could never be a stockbroker because I’m not good at making decisions quickly.
Samar : How did you get into modeling , Nancy  ?
Nancy : Well , when I graduated from the Higher Institute For Acting , I moved to The capital city to look for work as an actress . I was going to auditions every day , but I never got any parts . And I was running out of money .
Samar : So , what did you do ?
Nancy : I got a job as a waitress in a seafood restaurant . While I was working there , a customer offered me some work as a model . Within a few weeks , I was model in full time .
Samar : Wow , what a lucky break !
Effat : Hey , Medhat ! I haven’t seen you in ages . What have you been doing lately !
Medhat :Nothing exciting . I’ve been working two jobs for the last six months .
Effat : How come ?
Medhat : I’m saving up money for a trip to Europe .
Effat : Well , I’ve only been spending money . I quit my job to go to graduate university or so-called open university . I’m studying journalism .
Medhat : Really ? How long have you been doing that ?
Effat : For two years . Luckily , I finish next month . I’m almost out of money .

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 22 ]

22- ] Conversation & Dialogue .
Spending Time & Free Time .

Man : What do you do in your free time ?
Woman : Oh , I go dancing and I go to the cinema . What do you do ?
Man : I play football and I go swimming .
Woman : You like sport ?
Man : Yes .
Woman : And what work do you do ?
Man : I work in a bank .

Boss : What are you going to do next week , Sherifa ?
Sherifa : Oh , nothing much . There’s a concert at The Opera House on Wednesday . I’m going to that with my sister . And there’s a film I want to see , so I’m going to the cinema one evening . There are my evening classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays , and there’s a television program I want to see on Monday . It’s going to be a quiet week .
Aida : How do you spend your time , Aisha ?
Aisha : Well , on weekdays I get up around ten . Then I read the paper for an hour and have lunch at about noon .
Aida : Really ? What time do you go to work ?
Aisha : I start work at three .
Aida : And when do get home at night ?
Aisha : I get home pretty late , around midnight .
Aida : So what do you do , exactly ?
Aisha : I’m a TV announcer . Don’t you recognize me ? I do the weather report !
Aida : Gee , I’m sorry . I don’t watch TV .

Helmy : You’re really fit . Do you exercise very much ?
Hany : Well , I almost always get up very early , and I lift weights for an hour .
Helmy : You’re funny !
Hany : No . And then I often do gymnastics .
Helmy : Wow ! How often do you exercise ?
Hany : About five times a week . What about you ?
Helmy : Oh , I hardly ever exercise . I usually just watch TV in my free time . I guess I’m a real couch potato !

Helmy : You’re really fit . Do you exercise very much ?
Hany : Well , I almost always get up very early , and I lift weights for an hour .
Helmy : You’re funny !
Hany : No . And then I often do gymnastics .
Helmy : Wow ! How often do you exercise ?
Hany : About five times a week . What about you ?
Helmy : Oh , I hardly ever exercise . I usually just watch TV in my free time . I guess I’m a real couch potato !
Waleed : So , what did you do this weekend ?
Wael : Oh , Khaled and I went for a drive in the country on Saturday .
Waleed : That sounds nice . Where did you go ?
Wael  : We drive to the lake and had a picnic . We had a great time ! How about you ? Did you do anything special ?
Waleed : Not really . I just worked on my car all day .
Wael : That old thing ! Why don’t you just buy a new one ?
Waleed : But then what would I do every weekend ?

Saleh : You’re in great shape . Do you work out at a gym ?
Sabri : Yeah , I do . I guess I’m a real fitness freak .
Saleh : So , how often do you work out ?
Sabri : Well , I do aerobics every day after work . And then I play tennis .
Saleh : Say , I like tennis , too .
Sabri : Oh , do you want to play sometimes ?
Saleh : Uh , ….how well do you play ?
Sabri :Pretty well , I guess .
Saleh : Well , all right . But I’m not very good .
Sabri : No problem . I won’t play too hard .
Shukri : So , how was your weekend ?
Muneer : Oh , really good . I went to see the magician .
Shukri : The magician ?
Muneer : That’s right . Have you ever seen him ?
Shukri  : Yes , I have . I saw his show last year . He’s terrific .
Muneer : Yea . He does some incredible things .
Shukri : Have you ever been to the magician theatre ?
Muneer: No . I’ve never been there .
Shukri : You should go sometime . It’s an interesting theatre , and the show is wonderful .
Ibrahim : I’m so excited ! We have two weeks off !
Ismael : I’m not sure . I guess I’ll just stay home . Maybe I’ll catch up on my reading . What about you ? Any plans ?
Ibrahim : Well , my parents have rented a condominium . I’m going to take a long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming .
Ismael : Sounds great !
Ibrahim : Say , why don’t you come with us ? We have plenty of room .
Ismael : Do you mean it ? I’d love to !
Kareem : Mansour ?
Mansour : Mmm ?
Kareem : What do you want to do tonight ?
Mansour : Oh , I don’t know . Nothing special .
Kareem : Is there anything on at the cinema ?
Mansour : Here’s the paper . Page two .
Kareem : Thanks . There’s a new film by [ so and so ] .
Mansour : Who’s that person ?
Kareem : A film director , of course .
Mansour : Well I didn’t know . What’s it called ?
Kareem : “The Dream” .
Mansour : What kind of film is it ?
Kareem : I don’t know , but I’d like to see it .
Mansour : All right . How long’s it been running ?
Kareem : Why ?
Mansour : Well , if it’s a new film , it’ll be difficult to get a seat .
Kareem : No , it says [ the paper ] : “Now in its tenth week . Continues performances .”
Mansour : So it doesn’t matter when we go .
Kareem : Well , I’d like to go now . Come on  !
[ At the door of the cinema ]
Mansour : Look ! “House Full . Standing only .”
Kareem : I don’t want to stand for three hours .

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...