Grammar American & British

Friday, December 23, 2022

20- ] Proverbs Around The World

20- ] Proverbs Around The World

261- ] Virtues are perceived in actions .  Latin , Cicero

  الفضائل تدرك بالأفعال .

262- ] Who acts not when he should , acts not when he would .  French

  من لا يفعل حين يجب عليه الفعل ، لن يفعل حين يحين وقت الفعل .

263- ] You may gape long enough ere a bird fall into your mouth . English

  قد تفغر فاك لوقت طويل قبل أن تنال صيد ثمين .

Activity .النشاط                                                                                               

264- ] Better wear out than rust out .  English

  خير لك أن تبلى وتفنى من أن تهمل حتى يعتريك الصدأ .

265- ] Better wear shoon [ shoes ] than sheets . Scottish

  خير لك أن تبلى الحذاء من أن تبلى الفراش . 

266- ] Constant occupation prevents temptation . English

  الانشغال باستمرار يسد حبائل الشيطان .

267- ] Every noble activity makes room for itself . American , Emerson

   كل عمل نبيل يفسح المجال لنفسه .

268- ] Fools are aye [ always ] fond o’ flittin’ . Scottish

  الحمقى دائما ما يستهويم التهرب ( الهروب ) .

269- ] Grass grows not on the highway . English

  العشب لا ينمو فى الطريق السالك .

270- ] Occupy yourself and you will not be out of harm’s way . Latin , Ovid

  اشغل نفسك ولن تكون بعيدا عن الأذى .

271-] The mill gains by going , not by standing still .  Spanish

  الطاحون يكسب اذا دار وليس اذا صمت فبار .

272- ] The millstone does not become moss-grown . German

  حجر الطاحون الدوار ليس منبت للحشائش .

273- ] The rust of the mind is the destruction of genius . Latin , Seneca

   صدأ العقل دمار للعبقرية والنبوغ .   

274- ] The used key is always bright . English

  المفتاح المستعمل دائما ما يلمع .

275- ] The used plow shines , standing water stinks . English

  المحراث المستعمل يلمع ، والماء الراكد يعفن ( يعطن ) .

276- ] Who more busy than they that have least to do ? English

   من أكثر انشغالا من أولئك الذين لديهم القليل من الفعل ؟

277- ] Who moves , picks up ; who stands still , dries up . English

   من يتحرك يجنى الثمار ، ومن يخنع يصيبه البوار .

Adaptability .  التأقلم والتكيف                                                                            

278- ] A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand .  English

 الماهر يستخدم ما تحت يده من أدوات / الشاطرة تغزل برجل حمار / الشاطر يعمل من الفسيخ شربات

279- ] Adapt thyself to the estate which is thy portion . Latin , Marcus Aurelius

 كيف نفسك مع الحال التى تأتى من نصيبك .

280- ] Adapt yourself to the times .  American

 كيف نفسك مع العصور . 

19- ] Proverbs Around The World

19- ] Proverbs Around The World 

Action . الفعل                                                                                                   

240- ] Action is eloquence .  English , Shakespeare

 البلاغة ( الفصاحة ) فى الفعل .

241- ] Action is the proper fruit of knowledge .  English

  الفعل هو الثمرة المثلى للمعرفة .

242- ] Action may not always bring happiness , but there is no happiness without action .  English , Disraeli

  العمل قد لا يحقق السادة دائما ، ولكن لا سعادة بدون عمل .   

243- ] Action overcomes cold ; inaction overcomes heart . Chinese , Laotse

  العمل يقهر الزمهرير ، والتكاسل يقهر القلب . 

244- ] Action should culminate in wisdom .   Bhagavad-Gita

 العمل يجب أن يصعد الى الحكمة .

245- ] Actions are ours , their consequences belong to heaven .  English ,Sidney

 علينا السعى والعمل والنتائج بيد الله .

246- ] Always act as if your actions were seen .  Spanish , Gracidn

 أعمل دائما وكأن أعمالك مطلع عليها . 

247- ] Heavens never helps the man who will not act .  Greek , Sophocles

 السماء لا تكن فى عون من لا يعمل .

248- ] In base times active men are of more use than virtuous . English ,Bacon

  فى أوقات المحن والأزمات النشطاء أكثر نفعا من الفضلاء .  

249- ] Let us be judged by our actions .  Latin

  فلندع أعمالنا تحكم علينا .

250- ] Merit consists in action .  Latin

  الاستحقاق يتحقق بالعمل .

251- ] One can only do by doing .  French

  ليس هناك انجاز بدون  عمل ./ الانجاز لا يتحقق الا بالعمل .

252- ] Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance , but to do what lies clearly at hand . English , Carlyle

  لا يكن شغلنا الشاغل أن نتطلع الى ما هو بعيد يصعب أن نراه ولكن أن ننجز ما هو بين فى المنال .

253- ] Renunciation and activity both liberate , but to work is better than to renounce .  Bhagavad-Gita

  التخلى والفاعلية كلاهما يؤدى دوره ولكن الفعل أفضل من التخلى ./ من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده وان لم يستطع فبلسانه وان لم يستطع فبقلبه وذلك أضعف الايمان . 

254- ] That action is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers .   English , Hutchinson

  ذلك الفعل الذى يكفل السعادة القصوى للغالبية العظمى هو الذى يفوق ويسمو .  

255- ] The best of the sport is to do the deed and say nothing .  English

  أفضل مافى الرياضة أن الفعل يبطل القول .

256- ] The deed proves the man .  French

  الرجال بالأفعال . / الرجولة فعل وليس قول .

257- ] The flighty purpose never is o’ertook unless the deed go with it .

   English , Shakespeare

  الهدف الطائر لايتحقق اذا لم يواكبه الفعل .

258- ] The more we do , the more we can do ; the more busy we are , the more leisure we have .   English , Hazlitt

  كلما زادت ممارستنا للفعل كلما زادت قدرتنا على الانجاز ، وكلما زاد اشتغالنا زاد فراغنا .

259- ] The shortest answer is doing .  English

  الفعل هو أبلغ رد .

260- ] The test of a man lies in action .  Latin , Pindar

  اختبار الرجال تظهره الأفعال .

18- ] Proverbs Around The World

18-] Proverbs Around The World

221- ] When foxes pack the jury box , the chicken is always found guilty as accused .  American

 عندما تتكفل الثعالب بملىء ما لدى المحلف ، فان الدجاج مدان ومتهم .

Achievement .

  الانجاز .


222- ] A thing well done is its own reward .   American

  اتقان العمل فى ىحد ذاته فوز وجائزة .

223- ] By their fruits ye shall know them .  Bible

  سوف تعرفهم من ثمارهم .

224- ] He was born on an eating mat [ i.e. comfortable circumstances]. Zulu

  ولد على فراش طعام  ( اى ظروف مريحة ) .    

225- ] He was born on manure [ i.e. born into poverty ] .  Zulu

  ولد فى السباخ ( اى الفقر والفاقة ) .

226- ] It is not enough to aim you must hit .  Italian

  ليس كافيا ان تصوب نحو الهدف لكن يجب ان تصيبه .

227- ] That which is well done is first done .  American

  العمل المتقن هو الذى له السبق .

228- ] The greatest things are done by the aid of small ones .  English

  عظائم الامور تمت بصغائرها .

229- ] The higher the ape goes , the more he shows his tail .  English

  كلما ارتفع القرد عاليا كلما انكشف ذيله وعورته .

Acquaintance / Friends & Friendship .

  المعرفة والاصدقاء والصداقة .

230- ] Him you know is better than him you do not know .  Tunisian

  من تعرفه أفضل من ما لا تعرفه .

231- ] Short acquaintance brings repentance .  English

  التعارف القصير الامد يجلب الندم . / المعرفة العابرة  ندم

232- ] Sudden acquaintance brings long repentance .  English

  التعارف المفاجىء العاجل يجلب الندم الطويل الآمد ./ المعرفة الطارئة تخلف الندم المقيم 

233- ] The more acquaintance , the more danger .  English

  كلما زادت دائرة تعارفك كلما احدق الخطر بك .

234- ] The worst of those you know is better than the best of those you do not know .  Tunisian

  أسوأ من تعرفهم يفضل أفضل من لا تعرفهم .

235- ] They that know one another , salute afar off .  English

  من يعرفون بعضهم عن قرب لا يكثرون التحية .

Acquisition       الاكتساب                                                                                   

236- ] It is easy to get , but hard to keep what you get .  American

 من السهل أن تكسب ولكن من الصعب أن تحتفظ بالكسب .

237- ] The more you heap , the worse you cheap .  English

  كلما كدست كلما زهد ثمن ما كدسته .

238- ] Things hardly attained [ i.e. obtained with difficulty] are long [or longer] retained .    English

  ما كسبته بعناء كان أدوم البقاء .

239- ] What we acquire without sweat , we give away without regret . American

 ما لم نكتسبه بالعرق فرطنا فيه سريعا دون ندم .    

17-] Proverbs Around The World

17-] Proverbs Around The World

 Accuracy / Precision . الدقة                                                                           

198- ] One hair added to another makes a beard .   Lebanese

  اللحية شعرة فوق شعرة.

199- ] Plate by plate the armor is made .  French , Rabelais

  الدرع من حلقة مع حلقة .

200- ] Rubbish accumulates , mountain arise .  American

  اذا تكدست القمامة صارت جبلا .

201- ] Sma’ wionnings mak a heavy purse .  Scottish

  المكاسب القليلة تحقق المال الوفير .

202- ] The whole ocean is made up of single drops .  English

  المحيط العظيم يتكون من قطرات وقطرات .

203- ] There will grow from straw a mighty heap .   Latin

  الكدس الكبير يبدأ بقشة .

204- ] Accuracy is the twin brother of honesty , inaccuracy of dishonesty .

    American , Simmons

  الدقة اخت النزاهة ، وعدمهايعنى السفاهة . 

205- ] A blow of frying-pan smuts [ leaves a mark ] , if it does not hurt . Spanish

  ضربة ولو من مقلاة  تترك اثرها حتى لو لم تصب بالمضرة .

206- ] A man is his own near friend , and no man is expected to incriminate himself .  Babylonian Talmud

  الانسان صديقا صدوقا لنفسه ، ولايتوقع من امرىء ان يدين نفسه .

207- ] A serious accusation even lightly made , does harm .  Latin , Publilius Syrus

  التهمة حتى ولوباستخاف  تصيب بالاذى .

208- ] Accusation is proof when Malice and Force sit on the bench . American

  التهمة تثبت عندما يحضر الشر والبطش .

209- ] Accuse not a servant unto his master .   Bible

  لاتتهم خادما عند سيده .

210- ] Even doubtful accusations leave a stain behind them .  Latin

  حتى الاراجيف الباطلة تترك خلفها ضرارا .

211- ] Every accusation against a fallen man gains credence .  Latin

  كل تهمة ضد من هوى وزوى تكسب مصداقية وهوى . 

212- ] Evil report travels farther than any applause . English

  الاخبار بالشر اسرع انتشارا من الثناء والمدح .

213- ] He who accuses himself cannot be accused by another .

    Latin ,Pablilius Syrus

  من دان نفسه لايمكن ان يدينه الآخرون .

214- ] If the cap fits , wear it .  English

  اذا كانت القبعة تناسبك فارتديها .

215- ] It is safer not to accuse a bad man than to acquit him .  Latin

  ليس اكثر امنا ان تتهم شريرا من ان تبرئه     

216- ] It is well not to lend too easy an ear to accusations . 

   Latin , Pablilius Syrus

  ليس من الخير ان تعير أذنيك بسهولة الى الاتهامات .

217- ] Lay it on thick and some of it will stick .  English

  القها فى خضم وزخم وبعضها سوف يصيب .

218- ] No man is bound to accuse himself .  English

  لايوجد امرؤ يدين نفسه .   

219- ] No one is obliged to accuse himself . Latin

  لااحد مجبر على ان يدين نفسه . 

220- ] Report hangs the man . French 

16-] Proverbs Around The World

 16- ] Proverbs Around The World

176- ] Eat many meals and you will grow fat . Arabic

  اسرف فى الطعام واتخم الابدان .

177- ] Every great thing only consists of many small particles united . Latin

  كل شىء كبير مجرد جزيئات صغيرة اجتمع شملها .

178- ] Every little bit helps as the sow said when she snapped at a gnat . Danish

  اقل القليل يسد الرمق كما قلت انثى الخنزير عندما التهمت الهوام .

179- ] From small things a great heap is made . Latin

  من النذر اليسير يتكون الكدس الكبير .

180- ] Gathering gear [ money , property ] is weel liket wark [ work ] . Scottish

  اكتناز المال عمل مستحب حبا جما .

181- ] Gear [ money , property ] is easier gotten than guided . Scottish

  جمع المال اسهل من ترشيده .

182- ] Grain by grain the hen fills her crop . English

  تمتلىء الحوصلة حبة حبة .

183- ] Greatness  is nothing but many littles .  Latin

  الكثير ليس سوى تجمع القليل .

184- ] Light gains make a heavy purse . English

  بالكسب القليل يتحقق الذخر الكبير .

185- ] Little and often fattens the bank-roll .  American

  قليل متصل يثرى الكثير الدائم .

186- ] Little and often fills the purse .  Italian

  قليل متصل يصنع المال الوفير .

 187- ] Little and often make much at last .  German

  القليل المتصل ينتهى الى الكثير الدائم .

188 - ]Little by little the bird builds its nest .  English

  رويدا رويدا يبنى الطائر عشه .

189- ] Little drops produce the shower . Latin

  الغثاء الغيث والماء .

190- ] Many drops of water will sink a ship . English

  الكثير من قطرات الماءالمنهمر يفضى لغرق السفينة .

191- ] Many little leaks sink a ship . American

  الثقوب الصغيرة الكثيرة تغرق السفينة .

192- ] Many little mak a mickle [ make a lot ] .  Scottish

  كثير القليل زخر وفير .

193- ] Many smalle maken a great .   English , Chaucer

  كثير القليل يصنع الفيض الكبير .

194- ] Many ventures make a full-freight .  English

  الاعمال القليلة هى التى تكون المشروعات الكبيرة .

195- ] Moderate gains fill the purse .  Italian

  الكسب القليل المعتدل يصنع المال الوقير .

196- ] Mony pickles [ small quantities ] make a mickle [ a lot ] .  Scottish

  المال القليل يصنع المال الوفير .

197- ] Mony sma’s [ many smalls ] make a great .    Scottish

  القليل المتصل يصنع الوفير الدائم .

Friday, December 9, 2022

59- ] Model SAT Tests - Test Fifty Nine

59- ] Model SAT Tests

Test Fifty Nine

The passages below are followed by questions based on their content ; questions following a pair of related passages may also be based on the relationship between the paired passages . Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages and in any introductory material that may be provided .

Questions 1 - 12 are based on the following passage .

The following passage is adapted from an article on the importance of bacteria to modern life .

            There is a whole category of life that is fascinating , versatile , useful , and surprisingly varied and populous , and it’s overlooked by a majority of people . Bacteria make up one and possibly two overarching categories of life , as biologists currently classify it . Prokaryotes , or true bacteria , are organisms without an organized cell nucleus . Archaebacteria were originally classified as prokaryotes , but recent studies have revealed differences in their cellular structure that might necessitate a whole new category to describe them . Bacteria are incredibly numerous ; it may be that all the species we have ever catalogued make up only five percent of the total number of species of bacteria . They are everywhere in our world , from our dirt to our food to the very insides of our bodies . The fact that we can’t see them makes them easy to ignore , but their impact on our lives is undeniable , and probably extends into more aspects of living than scientists even aware of.  

            Perhaps the most remarkable thing about bacteria is their ability to survive in extreme environmental conditions . The oldest fossils scientists have discovered are fossilized bacteria ; they were on earth when the planet was unbearably hot and carried no oxygen in its atmosphere . It was through bacteria evolving to adapt the sun’s light into nutrients and their subsequent development of the same kind of photosynthesis that plants use today , that oxygen and carbon dioxide were introduced to our atmosphere as waste products , allowing plants and animals to find a toehold on an otherwise inhospitable planet .

            One thing that makes bacteria such hardy survivors is their ability to alter their living DNA by exchanging their own with that in the environment around them or with that of other bacteria using methods called , respectively , transformation and conjugation . In this way , they can acquire the genes necessary to protect themselves from extreme conditions like exceptionally hot , acidic or airless environments ; they can also acquire resistance to a particularly antibiotic from another bacteria that already has the resistance. With these DNA trading tactics , bacteria can benefit from evolutionary progress made by other species , simply by assuming it s their own .

            The most common response to the word “bacteria” is to think of disease . While bacteria are the cause of many annoying and deadly diseases , most species are harmless , and many are actually beneficial . Bacteria is indispensable to many aspects of modern industry and production . We use bacteria to culture cheese and give each type its distinctive flavor , to treat sewage by breaking down harmful toxins into methane gas , to extract the desirable metal from other minerals in mines in a more environment-friendly alternative to smelting , and to improve the nutrient absorption and therefore the yield of food crops . Bacteria is also the basis for biotechnology ; by combining bacteria with human DNA , we can use bacterial reproduction to manufacture important hormones like insulin , or antibodies that fight disease .

            Despite all their beneficial uses , of course , the negative impacts of some bacteria cannot be ignored . While one strain of bacteria might give your smoked gouda its distinctive flavor , another species cold very well working on spoiling it , covering it with mold . Much of the bacteria in pre-treated sewage can cause deadly diseases . Some bacteria accelerates rusting , especially in metals containing iron . Other species will kill a farm’s entire crop . If canned food during preservation is not heated to 250   Fahrenheit , it could be infected with botulism , a deadly toxin . With all their dangers , ironically enough , bacteria are supporting other industries , such as those devoted to antibacterial cleaning products , sterilization , and controlling the growth of dangerous species . Our relationship with bacteria is not a simple one , but it is an important one , and one that is highly if invisibly ingrained into our daily way of life .

1 . The author assumes that “a majority of people” ( line 3 ) are

(A) not curious about things they can’t see

(B) infected with bacterial diseases

(C) spreading bacteria intentionally in their everyday life

(D) poorly educated

(E) using antibacterial products

2 . In line 10 , “easy to ignore” emphasizes that bacteria are

(A) useful

(B) widely acknowledged

(C) deeply misunderstood

(D) too scare to pay attention to

(E) taken for granted

3 . In line 11 , the author uses “undeniable” to convey the

(A) unavoidable incidence of disease caused by bacteria

(B) necessity of using bacteria in industry

(C) incontrovertible nature of the fact that bacteria affect us

(D) inevitability of encountering visible bacteria

(E) lack of solid support for the conjecture that bacteria are all around us

4 . The reference to “extreme environmental conditions” in line 13 primarily serves to

(A) highlight the fact that certain environments cannot support life

(B) exaggerate the adversity of places that bacteria live

(C) emphasize the difficulty overcome by bacteria to live where other types of life cannot

(D) emphasize the difficulty of conquering infectious disease

(E) provide an example of ways to use bacteria in industry

5 . In lines 17 - 18 , the author mentions “waste products” to illustrate that

(A) bacteria can excrete harmful substances

(B) plants and animals were only able to live on Earth due to bacteria’s production of necessary gases

(C) bacteria can live in extreme environments

(D) plants and animals made Earth’s environment hospitable for bacteria

(E) bacteria are useful in treating sewage

6 . The author argues that one reason bacteria are such “hardy survivors” at the beginning of paragraph three is that

(A) they can adapt their own DNA

(B) they can live inside humans

(C) they use photosynthesis

(D) they cause diseases

(E) they have very long life-spans

7 . At the end of paragraph three , “assuming” most nearly means

(A) jumping to conclusions (B) ascending (C) calculating (D) gaining (E) rejecting

8 . The author mentions several industries in paragraph 4 in order to

(A) illustrate all the uses of bacteria in modern industry

(B) explain that using bacteria is good for the environment

(C) provide examples of ways in which bacteria can be harmful

(D) inform the reader in depth about distinct species of bacteria

(E) provide examples of ways in which bacteria can e beneficial

9 . -Which example would be most appropriate to add to the list of bacteria’s effects in paragraph 4 ?

(A) bacteria contribute carbon dioxide to the atmosphere

(B) bacteria produce enzymes used to manufacture laundry detergent

(C) bacteria are responsible for mildew in humid places

(D) bacteria are used to aid in digestion

(E) bacteria coat different surfaces with a slimy substance called a “biofilm”

10 . Which of the following industries are both helped and harmed by bacteria , according to

the passage ?

I . agriculture

II . cheese manufacture

III . canning foods

(A) I only (B) II only  (C) II and111 only (D) I and II only (E) I , II , and III

11 . The passage indicates that which industry is supported by the actual dangers of bacteria ?

(A)  mining

(B) cheese manufacturing

(C) sewage treatment

(D) the antibacterial industry

(E) agriculture

12 . The tone of the passage is primarily one of

(A) scientific exhilaration

(B) dry humor

(C) conservative criticism

(D) informed appreciation

(E) mild disapproval

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . E 3 . C 4 . C 5 . B 6 . A 7 . D 8 . E 9 . B 10 . D 11 . D 12 . D

58- ] Model SAT Test - Test Fifty Eight

58- ] Model SAT Tests

Test Fifty Eight 

The following passage is an early draft of an essay . Some parts of the passage need to be rewritten .

Read the passage and select the best answer for each question that follows . Some questions are about particular sentences or parts of sentences and ask you to improve structure or word choice . Other questions ask you to consider organization and development . In choosing answers , follow the conventions of standard written English .

            (1)The Kloss gibbon is an unusual ape species that can be found only in the rain forests of the Mentawai Islands off the western coast of Sumatra .  (2) Kloss gibbons live in family “homes” , as do most of us . (3) An adult male , an adult female , and their offspring sleep , eat , and enjoy one another’s company within a specific territory that they have selected to be their own .

            (4) If a male from another family group comes too close to the territory , the “homeowner” will view this approach as a threat , and would be fighting quite actively to defend his turf . (5) However , the use of physical force is rarely necessary , these animals have a unique way of avoiding conflicts . (6) Kloss gibbons sing to prevent a fight .

            (7) Every two days or so , shortly before dawn , a male Kloss gibbon begins his “musical” performance by “whistling” for a few minutes . (8) As he gets more enthusiastic , he produces longer phrases , which can include as many as 12 notes and a trill . (9) The male stops , maybe even eats a piece of fruit , and then repeats his recital again , over and over , as he moves throughout the boundaries of his family’s home territory . (10) These concerts can last anywhere from ten minutes to two hors .

            (11) The beginning of the song is a male’s simple way of saying “This is my house , and visitors are not welcome .” (12) The rest of the complex song is not just showing off , though . (13) Unlike in many animals , the size of male Kloss gibbons does not vary much , so it is not a factor in determining strength . (14) If two males could see one another (which they can’t because of the thick growth of the rain forest) , they would not be able to decide , merely on sight , which one was likely to be the stronger of the two . (15) The elaborate part of the song conveys a clear message : “Don’t make me hurt you !”

1 . The sentence that best states the main idea of the passage s  

(A) sentence 1 (B) sentence 3 (C) sentence 6 (D) sentence 11 (E) sentence 15

2 . In context , which is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 4 ( reproduced below) ?

If a male from another family group comes too close to the territory , the “homeowner” will view this approach as a threat , and would be fighting quite actively to defend his turf .  

(A) and would be fighting quite actively

(B) and might fight quite actively

(C) and would quite actively be fighting

(D) and will fight quite actively

(E) and will engage in quite an active fight

3 . In context , which is the best version of sentence 5 (reproduced below) ?

However , the use of physical force is rarely necessary , these animals have a unique way of avoiding conflicts .

(A) (as it is now)

(B) Since the use of physical force is rarely necessary , these animals have a unique way of avoiding conflicts .

(C) However , the use of physical force is rarely necessary , this is because these animals have a unique way of avoiding conflicts .

(D) However , the use of physical force is rarely necessary , while these animals have a unique way of avoiding conflicts .

(E) However , the use of physical force is rarely necessary , because these animals have a unique way of avoiding conflicts .

4 . In context , what revision is needed in sentence 13 ?

(A) No revision is needed

(B) Change “many animals” to “that of many animals”

(C) Change “many animals” to “those of many animals”

(D) Chang “does not vary” to “do not vary”

(E) Change “it is not a factor” to “they are not factors”

5 . Of the following , which is the best version of sentence 14 (reproduced below) ?

If two males could see one another (which they can’t because of the thick growth of the rain forest) , they would not be able to decide , merely on sight , which one was likely to be the stronger of the two .

(A) If two males could see one another (which they can’t because of the thick growth of the rain forest) , they would not be able to decide , merely on sight , which one was likely to be the stronger of the two .

(B) Even if two males could see one another through the rain forest’s thick growth , they probably would not be able to tell which one was stronger.

(C) If two males happen to see one another through the thick growth of the rain forest , they will be unable to tell which one is stronger .

(D)Even if two males could see one another which they can’t ( because of the thick growths of the rain forest) , they would not be able to decide  merely on sight , which one was the strongest.

(E) Because of the thick growths in the rain forest , two males cannot see one another , and even if they cold , they would not be able to decide which one was probably stronger .

6 . Which of the following would be the most suitable sentence to insert immediately after sentence 14 ?

(A) So a “homeowner” demonstrates his toughness by vocalizing .

(B) This frequently can be a confusing situation for both the male gibbons .

(C) Therefore , the “homeowner ,” realizing that he is much smaller , must sing to scare the intruder off .

(D) For this reason , the intruding male shows how tough he is by vocalizing .

(E) So the two males engage in a singing contest to see whose voice is louder .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . D 3 . E 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A  

184- ] English Literature

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